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In my dream he is responsible, it is very important to a man, mature, softness and like sport, have passion to life, no smoking, have a healthy living style and know how to care himself and also how to dote upon his other half.

In my dearest memories, I see you reaching out to me. 在我最珍贵的记忆里,我看到你向着我走来。
In my deep heart,I hope to give our love a break althouth it's me who said goodbye to you. 虽然是我提出分手,但内心深处还是希望给我们的爱一次机会。
In my desire to cooperate with what I had created, I conditionally offered the use of my body and my voice at appointed times, and I further stated that if the Pleiadians were really real, it would be no big thing for them to arrange things they wanted an 由于我期望与我所创造的一切合作,在约定的时间里我有条件的提供我的身体和我的声音来使用,而且如果昴宿星人是真实的,我将更进一步的确认,这会是没有大事使他们安排事他们想要和我完成大多数的工作-我踌躇满志的理论基础是,我一定没有打算浪费我的时间以任何不是可实行的存在。
In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried to my God: and he did hear my voice out of his temple, and my cry did enter into his ears. 撒下22:7我在急难中求告耶和华、向我的神呼求.他从殿中听了我的声音、我的呼求入了他的耳中。
In my distress I cried unto the LORD, and he heard me. 1(上行(或作登阶下同)之诗我在急难中求告耶和华,他就应允我。
In my dream he is responsible, it is very important to a man, mature, softness and like sport, have passion to life, no smoking, have a healthy living style and know how to care himself and also how to dote upon his other half. 我理想中的他有责任感,这一点对于一个男人来说非常重要,成熟,温柔和喜欢运动,对生活充满热情,不吸烟,有着健康的生活方式懂得爱惜自己及宠爱自己的另一半。
In my dream last night, this is what happened, and then a stewardcame up and asked for my boarding pass, which I didn't have, so he put in a call on his cell phone to check and make sure I was actually bookedfor the flight. 这就是昨晚在我梦中发生的事情,然后,一个管理者走过来问我要出国护照,而我没有,所以他在他的手机上打了一个电话以确认我是否已获得飞行签证。
In my earlier years, I found even the statuette of the Thinker confusing. 更小一点的时候,我甚至觉得思索者塑像也是令人迷惑的。
In my estimation, he is a more suitable candidate. 我认为他是更合适的人选。
In my experience, even if a mage is being focused, he can still drop several thousand damage on a whim. 从我的经验看,即使一个法师成为目标后,他仍然完全可以轻易的抵挡数轮进攻。
In my experience, moreover, sociocultural factors affect schooling in a variety of areas, including culture, gender identities, power roles, class markers and social markers. 以我的体会而言,社会与文化的因素推动着学校教育涉及了多个领域,朝着多元化发展;包括文明,性别身份,权力角色,班级标兵和社会标兵。

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