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[bbe] And she gave the child the name of Ichabod, saying, The glory has gone from Israel: because the ark of God was taken and because of her father-in-law and her husband.

[bbe] And say to the children of Israel, As for any man cursing God, his sin will be on his head. 你要晓谕以色列人说、凡咒诅神的、必担当他的罪。
[bbe] And say to the children of Israel, This is to be the Lord's holy oil, from generation to generation. 你要对以色列人说,这油,我要世世代代以为圣膏油。
[bbe] And seeing a fig-tree by the wayside, he came to it, and saw nothing on it but leaves only; and he said to it, Let there be no fruit from you from this time forward for ever. 看见路旁有一棵无花果树、就走到跟前、在树上找不著甚麽、不过有叶子.就对树说、从今以后、你永不结果子。
[bbe] And seeing great masses of people he went up into the mountain; and when he was seated his disciples came to him. 耶稣看见这许多的人、就上了山、既已坐下、门徒到他跟前来。
[bbe] And shaking it seven times over the man who is to be made clean, he will say that he is clean and will let the living bird go free into the open country. 求洁净的人当洗衣服、剃去毛发、用水洗澡、就洁净了.然后可以进营、只是要在自己的帐棚外居住七天。
[bbe] And she gave the child the name of Ichabod, saying, The glory has gone from Israel: because the ark of God was taken and because of her father-in-law and her husband. 他给孩子起名叫以迦博、说、荣耀离开以色列了.这是因神的约柜被掳去、又因他公公和丈夫都死了。
[bbe] And she said to the king, The account which was given to me in my country of your acts and your wisdom was true. 对王说:我在本国里所听见论到你的事和你的智慧实在是真的!
[bbe] And she said to them, Do not let my name be Naomi, but Mara, for the Ruler of all has given me a bitter fate. 我满满的出去、耶和华使我空空的回来、耶和华降祸与我、全能者使我受苦、既是这样、你们为何还叫我拿俄米呢。
[bbe] And she said, I will do all you say. 路得说、凡你所吩咐的我必遵行。
[bbe] And she said, Let it be as you say. Then she sent them away, and they went; and she put the bright red cord in the window. 女人说、照你们的话行罢。于是打发他们去了.又把朱红线绳系在窗户上。
[bbe] And she will give birth to a son; and you will give him the name Jesus; for he will give his people salvation from their sins. 他将要生一个儿子.你要给他起名叫耶稣.因他要将自己的百姓从罪恶里救出来。

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