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Although the euro zone's citizens are using their own bank notes and coins, they are no longer stand-alone currencies, but subdivisions of the euro.

Although the electronic computer with many advantage, it cannot replace the human-being. 虽然电子计算机有很多优势,但它代替不了人.
Although the endeavor of oneself is important, the most fundamental one is God's choice. 后天的努力固然重要,而最根本的却在乎神的拣选。
Although the engineer shoveled the coal in as fast as he could, the steam engine would go no faster. 虽然火车司炉尽快地将煤铲进炉子,但火车一点也没加快。
Although the etheric cellular structure of an ascending vessel will be primary in color, the language of light notes prevail in the weaving of the charka system, subtle body and light body along with greater global auric field as initiations 2000-3000 is 当2000-3000股提升阶段被掌握的时候,尽管提升容器的以太细胞结构是基本色调,在编织脉轮系统、精微体光身体和更大的全球金场中,奏效的是光之语音调。
Although the euro zone's citize are using their own bank notes and coi , they are no longer stand-alone currencies, but subdivisio of the euro. 欧元区居民仍在使用的纸币和铸币已不再是独一无二的货币,而是已成为欧元的一部分。
Although the euro zone's citizens are using their own bank notes and coins, they are no longer stand-alone currencies, but subdivisions of the euro. 欧元区居民仍在使用的纸币和铸币已不再是独一无二的货币,而是已成为欧元的一部分。
Although the experiment did not test the idea (or, for that matter, the effects of an upgrade to the rodent equivalent of business class), the researchers speculate that it may be this lack of synchrony that caused the deaths of the older animals. 尽管还未有试验检测上述理论(或者进一步说,上升到适用于所有啮齿类动物的水平),但是研究人员估计,可能正是由于体内各部队的非同步性导致了较年老的动物个体死亡。
Although the experiment had no control group, all the patients would have been expected to die without treatment. 虽然实验没有管理团队,但是所有的病人没有治疗将死去。
Although the express choice of English law as the governing law of the Documents is a choice of law within the terms of Article 3.1, the Rome Convention does provide for circumstances where Article 3.1 will not be applicable or will be overridden. 尽管根据第3.1条的规定,明确选择英国法律作为文件的适用法律符合由合同各方所选择的法律,罗马公约也规定了一些第3.1条将不适用或失效的情况。
Although the fairness of MAC layer is a local performance inmultihop wireless networks , it affects the overall performance. 层的公平性虽然是一个局部特性,但影响网络的整体性能。
Although the form of public ownership that Marxism founder conceived is mature one not to be adopted, but so long as we grasp the essence of Marxism founders thought of public ownership accurately, we can find suitable particular forms of Traditional publ 虽然马克思主义创始人设想的未来社会的公有制形式是一种成熟的公有制形式,我们现阶段不能采用,但只要准确把握了马克思主义创始人的公有制思想的实质,我们就能找到既不违背马克思主义普遍原理,又符合本国实际的公有制具体形式。

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