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A:don`t waste your time looking at books.i have the entire encycloPedia on CD ROM and you can borrow it.

A:Your sister always sends you souvenirs from the places she visits. 你姊姊出去旅行,都会寄纪念品回来给你。
A:Your wedding dress makes you look sexy. 你的结婚礼服让你看起来真性感。
A:Yuti Gagarin,a Russian cosmonaut,did it. 俄罗斯宇航员尤利-加加林.
A:[Singing]She was my high school sweet heart. 她是我的高中甜心。
A:dad says you have a lot of life exPerience. 爸爸说你有丰富的人生经验.
A:don`t waste your time looking at books.i have the entire encycloPedia on CD ROM and you can borrow it. 不要浪费时间查书了,我有整套百科全书的光碟,你可以借来用。
A:he thought that thomas becket would assist him in carrying out legal reforms. 答:亨利认为他会帮助他施行法律改革.
A:he was in the south preparing to resist the expected attack from normandy. 答:他正在南部准备抵抗诺曼底人的进攻。
A:i dream of studying abroad soon. 我梦想很快出国留学。
A:i think the advertisement encourage children to eat junk food. 我认为广告在鼓励孩子们吃垃圾食品。
A:i'm wondering i will not get the chance. 我想我得不到那个机会了。

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