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The patient is sinking fast and may not live through the night.

The patient is on a drip. 病人正在输液。
The patient is out of danger now, but it was touch-and-go (ie uncertain whether he would survive) for a while. 病人现已脱离危险, 但曾有一度吉凶未卜.
The patient is seriously ill and is being kept under continuous observation . 病人病情严重,现接受持续观察.
The patient is seriously ill and is being kept under continuous observation. 病人病情严重, 现接受持续观察.
The patient is sick into death. 病人情况危急.
The patient is sinking fast and may not live through the night. 病人正逐渐地消沉,很可能活不过今晚。
The patient is somewhat better. 这个病人稍有好转。
The patient is speechless but still sensible at sounds. 那个病人不能说话,但是能分辨声音。
The patient is suffering from severe concussion following a blow to the head. 患者头部受击後患严重脑震荡.
The patient is suffering from the rheumatism . 这个病人受到风湿病的折磨。
The patient is suffering from the rheumatism. 这个病人受到风湿病的折磨。

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