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That TV program is going off the air.

That Romeo tried to mess around with every lady in the office. 那个自以为是罗密欧的家伙勾搭办公室里每一位女士。
That Sabbath day was a high day. 那个安息日是一个宗教节日。
That Saturday afternoon in the village of New Salem, in Sangamon Country, Illinois in the year 1831, every man, and boy in town was at the circle that formed to watch the unknown Lincoln wrestle. 1831年的那个周六下午,在伊利诺斯州桑格蒙郡的纽沙龙村,镇上的每个男人和男孩子都聚集成一个圈观看默默无闻的林肯摔跤。
That Sounds Like A Good Idea! 那听起来像个好主意!
That TV debate between those two guys running for senator was sure a no holds barred affair. 这句话的意思是:「那两个竞选参议员的人在电视上进行辩论时真是毫不留情。
That TV program is going off the air. 那个电视节目中止播放了。
That TV program was bounced from a satellite in space. 那个电视节目是由太空卫星转播的。
That TV station is affiliated with a national network. 那家电视台隶属于国家电视网络。
That Taiwan and Mainland China should work out an “interim agreement” to guide cross-Strait relations has come to be the mainstream opinion of the U.S government. 摘要两岸间应有一过渡性质的「中程协定」以规範两岸关系,已是美国国务院近日之主流意见。
That Tributyltin (TBT) used in anti-fouling paint on boats and ships is spreading pollution from Arctic to Antarctic. 意思是含有TBT的船用涂料带来的污染已经从北极洋扩展到南极洋.
That Ultimate Truth is declared as the illuminator of all that illuminates, beyond the darkness of ignorance; residing within the heart of everyone it is comprehensible by the wisdom gained from realization by the knowledge of direct experience. 根本真理被宣称是所有发光物体的光源,它超越了无知的黑暗,存在于每一个人的心中,可以由验证直接体察的知识而获得的智慧来觉知到。

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