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Be familiar with industrial production process and manufacturing technics of production line.

Be familiar with appropriate addresses to call special titles. 熟悉用正确的头衔称呼贵宾。
Be familiar with basic principals, main structures and their working conditions of hydropower equipments. 熟悉水电产品的基本原理、主要结构及受力情况。
Be familiar with engine structure. 熟悉发动机结构。
Be familiar with express operation. 了解快件行业的运做。
Be familiar with gas and hydraulic pressure system about auto product line. 熟悉汽车生产线气动、液压系统。
Be familiar with industrial production process and manufacturing technics of production line. 熟悉工业生产制程和产线制造工艺。
Be familiar with local logistics market and have strong capabilities in marketing research and business development. 对物流行业有较深的认识,熟悉当地市场,有较强的市场分析与开拓能力,在物流市场开拓方面有成功案例者优先。
Be familiar with mechanical drawing, tolerance matching and some mechanical design knowledge. 熟悉机械制图、公差配合和一定的机械设计知识。
Be familiar with mining electrical equipments, especially at mill plant electrical system. 熟悉矿山电气设备,尤其是矿山选厂设备系统。
Be familiar with package specification and material. 熟悉各类包装规范及包装材料。
Be familiar with petrochemical process and its equipment. 能熟悉石油化工工艺过程.了解石油化工的设备知识.

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