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He is a successful enterpriser with a breadth of vision.

He is a student at this institute of technology. 他是这所工学院的学生。
He is a student in an academy of music. 他是一所音乐学院的学生。
He is a stupid or despicable person. 他是一个愚蠢或卑劣的人。
He is a success in politics, but a failure in family life. 他在政坛很得意但是家庭却一团糟。
He is a successful character actor. 他是一个成功的性格演员。
He is a successful enterpriser with a breadth of vision. 他是位眼光广阔,事业有成的企业家。
He is a successful exporter of diamond. 他是一个成功的珠宝出口商。
He is a successful exporter of diamonds. 他是事业有成的钻石出口商.
He is a sunglasses indoors kind of guy, which probably would fit in well in the NBA. 他是个喜欢在屋子里也戴着墨镜的家伙,这很适合NBA的风格。
He is a supporter of the extreme right left. (他是极左极右政治观点的拥护者。)
He is a tailor , is not he? 他是裁缝师,对吗?

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