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There is never wasted energy in the universe, and your loving thoughts, free from expectations, will always be useful to anyone you send them to, if they choose to use them.

There is much woman about him. 他的举止颇带女人气。
There is music teahouse where you can enjoy both Chinesefolk music or modern music,while having some Chinese tea or other soft drinks. 这儿有一个音乐茶室,可以边饮中国茶或饮料,边听中国民乐或现代音乐。
There is need for improvement in your handwriting. 你的书法需要改进。
There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 并不分犹太人,希利尼人,自主的,为奴的,或男或女。因为你们在基督耶稣里都成为一了。
There is never confusion over what data is returned from a cache involving a version-dependent identifier. 从一个包括版本依赖标识符的缓存中返回数据不会令人困惑。
There is never wasted energy in the universe, and your loving thoughts, free from expectations, will always be useful to anyone you send them to, if they choose to use them. 宇宙中没有浪费的能量,你送出不带期望的爱,必然能在需要的时候,帮助你送的对象,如果他们选择去用它。
There is no rightor wronganswer, but there is a bestexplained answer. 没有正确或者错误的答案,只有解释最完美的答案.
There is no Christmas here! In China , the ceremonious festival is Spring Festival , and it is as same as your Christmas ! 我们这里不过圣诞节!在中国,最大的节日是春节,就是和你们过圣诞一样!
There is no DNA evidence that this is the historical Jesus of Nazareth. 没有DNA证据证明这是历史上的拿撒勒人耶稣。
There is no English/Khmer technical dictionary. 没有英语-库美尔语的技术词典。
There is no Error at all. I can compile and run this program in my computer!!! 我换了另外的例程也是编译通过,运行出那个错,为什么?

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