Horace and the Gorgons gossip on the horrible Halloween.
赫拉斯和蛇发女怪三姐妹在可怕的万圣节前夕聊八卦。 |
Horace was relishing his power. He was the tough, the big shot, who gave orders with the crack of a whip.
霍勒斯沾沾自喜于自己的权力。他就是那个拉动响鞭发号令的是暴徒,是头子。 |
Horace: Half an hour ago.
霍勒斯:半个小时前。 |
Horace: I've hurt my finger, Mum.
霍勒斯:妈妈,我把手指划破了。 |
Hordes of Mongols and Turks invaded Europe in the Middle Ages.
蒙古和土耳其的蛮族在中古世纪时入侵欧洲。 |
Hordes of fans had thronged on the concert hall.
大群的歌迷一窝蜂地涌向音乐厅。 |
Horizontal Scadder N Depilating Machinery : This scalder and Dehairer is combination for mid to small scale poultry processing , It is used for,chickens,ducks and gooses scalding and depilating.
卧式烫脱组合机:该机是中、小型家禽屠宰生产线的主要配套设备,可用于宰杀后鸡、鸭、鹅的浸烫和脱毛。 |
Horizontal analysis, for example, a comparative financial state-ment, shows the dollar amount and the percentage change in each financial statement item from one period to the next.
横向分析如比较财务报表揭示了财务报表各项从上到下期的金额变动和百分比变动。 |
Horizontal construction joint shall be set at the top of the slab.
5施工缝留设:水平施工缝留置于板顶面。 |
Horizontal organization refers to the grouping of students within a grade or level and the assignment of teachers to a grade or level.
水平组织指对在同一年级或水平内的学生分组并配备按年级或水平教师。 |
Horizontal tyre rail, make the movement of tyre more easily.
卧式轮胎导轨设计,移动轮胎更轻松省力。 |