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The AIDS pandemic has crippled economic growth in Africa.

The AI then focussed on stopping me from scoring. 电脑就把注意力集中在防止玩家进球了。
The AI will no longer pillage Barbarian Cities. AI不会去摧毁野人城市了。
The AIDS crisis continues to worsen in many parts of the world, in particular, in countries where the response suffers from major weaknesses in health care systems. 艾滋病继续在全球的很多地方恶化,特别是在那些卫生保健系统薄弱的国家。
The AIDS epidemic alone has orphaned 15 million children. 光是艾滋病就造成了1500万孤儿。
The AIDS epidemic offers an example. 艾滋病就是一个例子。
The AIDS pandemic has crippled economic growth in Africa. 爱滋病的普遍流行严重损害了非洲的经济发展。
The AIDS pandemic is at varying stages throughout the world. 爱滋病在世界各地有不同的发展。
The AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) was developed by Apple. AIFF(音频交换文件格式)是苹果公司开发的。
The AL admits that it has distributed staves among its followers for impending battles with BNP supporters. 反对党AL承认支持者与国民党的拥护者的冲突即将发生。
The AL champion Tigers were ninth at $3.06 million, up from 15th. 美联的冠军老虎则以306万美金从15名上升到第9名。
The ALE operations trailer was well equipped with proper emergency and first aid equipment. 机场执法部门操作的拖车也配备有适当的应急与急救设备。

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