This innovative use of material reduces airframe vibrations substantially.
这项创新使用材料减少机身大幅震荡. |
This inquiry form is designed to provide convenient and timely feedback to our customers for their liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant inquiry purpose.
此询价表格为向我们的客户提供快捷方便的液化天然气装置报价而设计。 |
This insight corroborates the idea that a major shock relieves stress—and thus the likelihood of a second major tremor—in some areas.
这个洞见证实了一种概念:在某些地区,主震会释放应力,因此有第二主震发生的可能性。 |
This inspiring image is available in two dramatic versions of museum quality Iris Giclee fine art print one on canvas and one on museum quality paper.
这幅令人鼓舞的图画有艾里斯·吉克利精美的艺术品的两个版本:一幅是在帆布上作的画,一幅是在博物馆高级版纸上作的画。 |
This inspiring neighbor of mine often set my mind working.
我的这个富启示性的邻居经常设置了我的头脑工作。 |
This inspiring tale based on a bestselling nonfiction novel will resonate with audiences around the world.
而渡边太太也与旧朋友聚旧,畅谈近况,希望暂时抛开丈夫的病情。 |
This installation is exploring the ambivalence in the perception of human interaction.
这个装置探索的是人们如何看待人类相互交流的矛盾心理。 |
This installation transforms sound into electric current impulses with different amplitude and time densities.
此装置把声音被转换为强度,时间密度不等的脉冲电波。 |
This installation would have required administrator access.
这个安装要求管理员访问。 |
This instant foaming cleanser with moisture-rich soy extracts and a blemish-fighting ingredient, helps improve skin's tone and texture and clears up blemishes without over drying, leaving skin soft, smooth and even-looking.
此泡沫洗面奶蕴含丰富的大豆精华和去污成分,能有效地调和肤色、缓和面纹和清除污垢,且无干涩紧崩感,使面部肌肤柔软嫩滑回复光彩。 |
This institution by its very nature is bound up with the personal.
这种制度本身的性质就决定它是同个人联系在一起的。 |