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And hopefully taking that elusive win at the European Grand Prix, also.

And his young ones suck up the blood; And where the slain are, there he is. 30牠的雏也咂血;被杀的人在那里,牠也在那里。
And history tells us that there have been rulers who, at critical times, deliberately created a ghostlyatmosphere, to control the minds of the people and consolidate their gains and power. 然而,历史上有些统治者,却利用非常时期,特意制造黑幕沉沉,“鬼”气阴森的恐怖气氛,以求驾驶人民思想,巩固其既得利益和地位的目的。
And home appliances will also become so smart that controlling and operating them will result in the breakout of a new psychological disorder — kitchen rage. 家用电器将会变得如此智能化,以至于控制和操作它们会引发一种新的心理疾病——厨房狂躁。
And home appliances will also become so smart that controlling and operating them will result in the breakout of a new psychological disorder-kitchen rage. 参考译文:家用电器会变得如此智能化以至于控制和操纵它们会引发一种新的心理疾病-------厨房狂躁症。
And home appliances will also become so smart that controlling and operating them will result in the breakout of a new psychological disorder=kitchen rage. 家用电器将会变得很聪明以至于控制和操作它们将会导致新的心理混乱-厨房混乱,的爆发。
And hopefully taking that elusive win at the European Grand Prix, also. 但是我也非常渴望为法拉利拿下这个极具挑战性的欧洲站冠军。
And how about this for a thrill? These 2 astronauts, part of Discovery's crew, have started a spacewalk to help install a new component on the International Space Station. 这多么让人心惊胆战啊!这两个宇航员,发现号的船员,意匠开始太空行走来帮助安装一个新的部件到国际空间站。
And how about your team-mates? 你的队友们呢?
And how can I laugh when confronted with man or deed which offends me so as to bring forth my tears or my curses? 当我受到别人的冒犯时,当我遇到不如意的事情时,我只会流泪诅咒,却怎么笑得出来?
And how can it be easy to sit across the counseling room from an abused spouse and try to help her retain her dignity and piece her life back together? 又或者在咨询室里,与遭受虐待的妇女相对而坐,努力帮她保持自己的尊严或帮她重整生活,这种工作容易吗?
And how can the industry cope with changing times? 矿业的发展是否能够与时俱进呢?

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