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In Indonesia, a couple of from Nigeria can teach their children the Nigerian language.

In India, oil price controls are bloating already large budget and current account deficits. 在印度,油价控制正使本已庞大的预算和经常账户赤字进一步膨胀。
In India, structural adjustment of the government has caused gradual withdraw from higher education, thus, the academic profession is in decline. 在印度,政府结构调整使政府逐步撤出高等教育领域,其学术职业呈现出衰落的趋势。
In India, the cow is sacred as part of the Hindu religion's story of creation. 在印度,由于在印度教的传说中的牛和天地开创有关,所以牛是神圣的。
In Indian Kashmir, officials say 14-hundred people were killed. 在印控克什米尔地区,官员说死亡人数在1千4百人。
In Indonesia, ONLY&nbs p;the Chinese-language is forbidden. 在印尼,只有汉语是被禁止的。
In Indonesia, a couple of from Nigeria can teach their children the Nigerian language. 在印尼,来自尼日利亚的夫妇可以教他们的孩子尼日利亚语。
In Indonesia, for example, DuPont has teamed with the Indonesian Red Cross to assist Indonesians at the village levels to combat avian flu through community awareness, biosecurity and community-based surveillance programs. 在印度尼西亚,杜邦公司与印尼红十字会一道,在乡村通过普及相关知识、建立生物安全体系和开展以社区为单位的监测活动等,防控禽流感。
In Indonesia, gamelan orchestras play music on gongs, drums, and xylophones. 印度尼西亚,佳美兰乐队用锣、鼓和木琴演奏音乐。
In Indonesia, the Chinese are discriminated.The ethnic Chinese are not permitted to have permanent land title. The same restriction does NOT apply to Caucasian from the United States, however. 在印尼,华人是受歧视的。印尼华人不能得到永久的土地权(permanentlandtitle)。而同样的限制对来自美国的高加索人则无效。
In Indonesia, where subsidies devour as much as a third of the budget, government dithering over scrapping them is depriving the country of resources for desperately needed infrastructure investment. 在印尼,补贴吞噬了高达三分之一的预算,政府在取消补贴的问题上犹豫不决,使得印尼丧失了急需的基础设施投资的资源。
In Indonesia, ONLY the Chinese-language is forbidden. 在印尼,只有汉语是被禁止的。

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