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God taught Abraham what it was to believe in God with all his heart; he was strong in faith, giving glory to God.

God shield I should disturb devotion! Juliet, on Thursday early will I rouse ye: Till then, adieu; and keep this holy kiss. 我不敢打扰你们的祈祷。朱丽叶,星期四一早我就来叫醒你;现在我们再会吧,请你保留下这一个神圣的吻。
God showed His design for us to go forward, not backward,when Jesus sent the disciples forward from their known surroundings to sprend the Word. 耶稣派遣门徒从他们熟悉的环境向前去传播福音时,上帝给我们设计的是向前走,而不是朝后退。
God smiled on the young one。 听到这儿,上帝对着小孩笑了。
God smiled. My time is eternity. 上帝笑了我的时间是无限的。
God smiled. “My time is eternity. 上帝微笑着说:“我的时间是永无止境的。”
God taught Abraham what it was to believe in God with all his heart; he was strong in faith, giving glory to God. 神教导亚伯拉罕“什么叫做全心的相信神;”他的信心是那样刚强,且将荣耀归给神。
God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb. 上帝为剃过毛的羔羊调和了风[指上帝慈悲为怀]。
God thunders wondrously with His voice; He does great things that we cannot comprehend. 5神奇妙的发出雷声;祂行大事,我们不能知晓。
God told them not to look back. 神叫他们不可向后看。
God took over the proceedings from chapter 38 onwards and puts all the issues clearly. 在第38章里神出现,在之后的篇章里阐明了一切。
God undertook the stupendous work of making a creature, who is not God, to be a perfect likeness of Him in His Divine glory. 神从事一件极伟大的工作,要在他神圣的荣耀里把一个不是神的受造之物,作成完全象他一样。

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