The treatment arrested the growth of the disease.
治疗抑制了病情的发展。 |
The treatment can obviously promote the permeability of paulownia wood, and has no damage to the color of paulownia wood.
稀碱液处理能显著提高桐木的渗透性,对桐木的颜色无明显损害。 |
The treatment costs 600RMB and includes education about nicotine addiction, a weekly laser therpay, and our Super Conquer nonsmoker support kit.
治疗费基本为600RMB,包括烟瘾成因和戒断常识的教育,一周的激光治疗,心理辅导和生活方式设计以及速克戒烟包等。该费用根据不同区域和店型上下浮动。 |
The treatment for peptic ulcer disease complicated with gastric outlet obstruction is either endoscopic balloon dilatation, stent implantation, or surgery, which may carry high morbidity and mortality in critically ill patients.
胃排空延迟之病患,常有恶心、呕吐、及胃排空异常,因此无法接受肠道正常喂食。 |
The treatment for simplity that the mean value of the geostatic pressure is adopted could result in a smaller computed value of settlement but a larger one of average radial consolidation degree than the actual.
如把整个厚度范围内自重应力取为平均值,将使计算的沉降量偏小,径向平均固结度偏大。 |
The treatment goal is to reduce lymph stasis and avoid further complications.
主要因非血丝虫感染之其它因素造成之慢性淋巴水肿所造成。 |
The treatment included meticulous chest care and oral L-thyroxine replacement therapy.
其治疗包括积极呼吸治疗及口服甲状腺素。 |
The treatment is different in each case.
每种情况的处理方法都不同。 |
The treatment is effective for psoriasis [ps()'raisis].
这种疗法对于治疗牛皮癣有效。 |
The treatment is mainly dependent on open surgery or laparoscopic operation.
2例高血压者术后血压恢复正常。 |
The treatment method, construction technology and effect of the vibration crushed-stone columns in the soft foundation are discussed through an engineering case.
摘要通过工程实例,介绍振动挤密碎石桩在软弱地基土层的处理方法、施工工艺及对地基加固效果进行评价。 |