Our plans for a bog picnic fell through.
我们的大野餐计划不能实现了。 |
Our plans for our holidays are uncertain.
我们的度假计划还未决定。 |
Our plans for rebuilding have run aground , as the council have refused to allow the necessary money.
我们的重建计划搁了浅,因为地方政府已经拒绝提供必要的款项。 |
Our plans for rebuilding have run aground, as the council have refused to allow the necessary money.
我们的重建计划搁了浅,因为地方政府已经拒绝提供必要的款项。 |
Our plans have gone awry.
我们的计划走样了。 |
Our plans have gone haywire since the rail strike.
自从铁路罢工我们的计划已经乱了套。 |
Our plans must hang fire for a time.
我们的计划必须向后推迟一些时间。 |
Our plans seem to have gone adrift somewhere.
我们的计划有些地方似乎与主题脱节了。 |
Our plans went awry.
我们的计划出岔子了. |
Our plans went badly adrift .
我们的计划严重受挫. |
Our plans were left hanging in the balance.
我们的计划被搁置下来处于悬而未决的状态。 |