Do a blow-up of this corner of the negative.
(对某事的)详尽的报道。 |
Do a deep knee bend, and it's very likely you'll hear popping sounds coming from your knee joints. There are also popping sounds when you crack your knuckles.
当我们蹲下又起来的时候,常常会听到膝盖关节处发出“咯咯”的响声;折手指的时候,就会听到手指的关节“咯咯”作响。那么,为什么我们的关节会发出响声呢?下面这篇文章将为你解释个中缘由。 |
Do a google search on get pixel color Java , you get your answer immediately!
回复:请教!如何取得一张图片中每个像素的颜色值!! |
Do a kind deed for someone else.
为别人做一件好事。 |
Do a kindness (and forget it).
做些良善的事(然后忘记它)。 |
Do a play on Broadway.
在百老汇演一出戏 |
Do a proper project close-out to enable a transition to the next phase.
妥善做好项目收尾工作,以便项目实施进入下一个阶段. |
Do a push-up and quickly pop your feet underneath you.
用力向上一推,快速将双脚收到身体下面。 |
Do a search on your favorite search engine or the newsgroups based on the name and model of the product.
在以名字和产品的模型为基础的你的喜爱搜寻发动机或新闻群组上做一个搜寻。 |
Do a survey of consumer buying habits.
(做一个有关消费者购买习惯的调查。) |
Do address guest by name if you can remember it.
如果你记得客人的姓名,称呼客人时要用其姓名。 |