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According to a survey of 1,200 people conducted by market research firm NPD Group, 75% of men said they do not consider themselves knowledgeable about purchasing jewelry.

According to a set of test data of Servo Control Systems, the paper has made system identifications of positive and inverse model based on neural net works, and analyses identification result and puts forward possible scheme to realize High Speed and High 摘要根据一组伺服驱动系统的辨识试验数据,进行了基于神经网络的非线性系统的正模型与逆模型辨识,分析了辨识结果,给出基于神经网络模型的内模控制方案,并提出了实现高速高精运动的可能方式。
According to a spokesman for the National Security Council, the ground-based, medium-range ballistic missile knocked an old Chinese weather satellite from its orbit about 537 miles above Earth. 据(美国)国家安全理事会发言人说,该地基中程弹道导弹击中了距地球537英里外的一颗中国的旧气象卫星。
According to a study by the Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System, cigarette smoking can lead not only to tooth dis coloration and gum disease, but often to the need for root canal treatment as well. 根据退伍老兵事务波士顿保健系统公司进行的一项研究,吸烟不仅会引起牙齿变色和齿龈疾病,而且通常会导致必须进行根管治疗。
According to a study of British workers, a crummy boss in the office could be slowly killing you. 一份针对英国劳工的研究表明,遇上糟糕的老板将会缩短寿命.
According to a survey by the private school division of the Tokyo metropolitan government's life and culture department, private elementary schools considered 18,724 applicants in 2002, 4,463 of whom passed the entrance exams and are now in second grade. 东京市政府人文部私立学校分部的一次调查显示,私立小学在2002年收到18724个申请,其中4463人通过了入学考试,现在已经升入二年纪。
According to a survey of 1,200 people conducted by market research firm NPD Group, 75% of men said they do not consider themselves knowledgeable about purchasing jewelry. 根据NPD咨询机构对1200人的一项调查,75%的男性声称他们并不认为自己对购买珠宝有足够的知识了解。
According to a survey produced by US-based research and advisory company in August 2006, even in the US, nearly half of online adults said that concerns about theft of information, data breaches or internet-based attacks affected their purchasing payment, 根据美国的研究咨询公司2006年8月的一项调查,即便在美国将近一半的成人网络用户担心信息失窃,数据窃取,网络攻击,这影响他们购买支付,网上交易和电子通信行为。
According to a survey, 82% of those who work more than 15 hours a day say they are do so for “bonuses.” Such an attitude is most common among the 20 to 40 year olds. 根据一项社会调查显示:有82%的中国人会为「奖金够高」而选择每天工作超过15个小时。
According to a survey, a Shanghai woman generally earns 80 per cent of a Shanghai man's salary, so without a wife's salary, nearly half the family's income would be lost. 据有关部门统计,上海女人的收入通常为上海男人薪水的80%,如果少了妻子的薪水,几乎少了一半家庭收入。
According to a teacher at a local high school, a middle school diploma is contingent on sitting for the high school entrance exam, which carries a 650-yuan fee. 一名当地中学教师告诉记者,要取得初中毕业证书就必须参加中考,考试费用是650元。
According to a variety of studies, none connected with the Vitamin C study, the best ways to prevent a cold are to take the herbal medicine Echinacea, to drink plenty of fluids and take acetaminophen, to avoid shaking hands and to wear a scarf when it is 根据许多与维生素C无关的研究,当室外寒冷,或者长时间呆在空调房的时候,最好的预防感冒的方法是服用紫锥花制成的草药,喝大量的水,吃扑热息痛,避免握手和戴围巾。

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