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Examples of benefits or costs of the current concentration wave are scanty.

Examples of MuSS include precision instruments, nanomanipulators, fiber optics, micro/nano-photonics, nanorobotics, MEMS (piezoelectric driven manipulators and optics), X-Ray telescopes and carbon nano-tube assemblies. 多尺度系统的例子包括精密仪器、奈米操纵器、纤维光学、微米/奈米光子学、奈米机器人学、微机电系统(压电驱动操纵器和光学)、X光望远镜和碳奈米管配件。
Examples of affinity programs are charity credit cards, where a donation is made to a particular charitable organisation whenever the card is used, or a travel rewards card which lets you build up points which you can redeem against a hotel chain or airli 亲和卡,是一种特殊的信用卡所联系到持卡人的生活方式,在某种程度上,提供好处,更个性化的,比通常可用0%余额转帐优惠等.
Examples of appropriate footnote formats appear in the syllabus; if you have any questions, ask the course's writing tutor or me. 适当脚注格式在范例中列出;如果有什么问题,可以问课程的写作导师或者我。
Examples of autoimmune diseases include systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE or lupus), rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, juvenile (type 1) diabetes, Addison disease, vitiligo, pernicious anemia, glomerulonephritis, and pulmonary fibrosis. 该疾病的实例有全身性红斑狼疮、风湿性关节炎、多发性硬化青少年的肥胖(1型)、爱迪生氏病、白癫风、恶性贫血、血管球性肾炎和肺纤维化。
Examples of bad cooperation are when forces are hit by their own air support, artillery fires at empty fields, the infantry is overrun by tanks, the tanks are ambushed by infantry in the woods or in urban areas, encirclement attempts fail, there's plenty 一些配合不好的例子如,在自己的炮火空领域部队击中自己的空中支援,步兵走位失误,坦克开到灌木丛或者泥沼地,围堵的尝试都失败了,还有大量的情报都是无效的.战斗机和护卫舰护送过远,以及前线急需的燃油补给等都空投给了敌人.
Examples of benefits or costs of the current concentration wave are scanty. 目前证明这股合并浪潮是带来利还是弊的实例并不多。
Examples of both can be seen in Beijing: The Fuhua Mansion on Erhuan Donglu copies neo-classical European architecture without reservation. 二环东路上的富华大厦是彻头彻尾的欧式新古典建筑的翻版。
Examples of capital asset include a factory, an equipment or other fixed assets which can be utilized for producing income or deriving profits. 资本性质资产的例子包括厂房、机器或其他可利用作产生收入或取得利润的固定资产。
Examples of clustering IRIS data and alerts in intrusion detection also proved the good performance of the KSOM method. 对IRIS数据集和入侵检测报警数据的聚类也证明了核自组织映射聚类方法的良好性能。
Examples of disease-specific immune evasion and the mechanisms used by pathogens to prevail over their hosts' immune systems are discussed. 本课程将讨论疾病特异性的免疫逃逸例子,及在这些例子中病原体战胜宿主免疫系统的机制。
Examples of first-line managers include the supervisor of a work team in the manufacturing department of a car plant, the head nurse in the obstetrics department of a hospital, and the chief mechanic overseeing a crew of mechanics in the service departmen 基层管理者的例子很多,例如汽车工厂生产车间的一个工作小组的主管、医院妇产科的护士长、汽车经销商客户服务部门中管理多名技师的首席技师等。

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