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This paper studies the local feature of Handan traditional residence and eligible building technology in geography, climate, natural and historical condition.

This paper studies the influence of vagrancy and homesickness on Du Fu's poems in his later years and stresses Du Fu's idea of State comes first, which characterizes Confucianism. 杜甫以沉郁的客寓意识,飘零落拓之感,寄托了乡国君民之思,体现了其思乡诗“史性思维”与“诗性思维”的融合统一,实现了对传统思乡诗的超越。
This paper studies the influences of phase quantification, amplitude quantification and both of them to side-lobe peak value. 摘要研究相位量化和幅度量化对圆阵副瓣峰值的影响及两者同时量化对副瓣峰值的影响。
This paper studies the integration of advanced mathematics and language of computer, an example Hyperboloid of One Sheet is given. 摘要以二次曲面为例,探讨了计算机语言与高等数学教学的整合问题,并给出了一个单叶双曲面的应用程序编写实例。
This paper studies the inverse operation of the matrix power operation, namely the root operation. 摘要研究了矩阵幂运算的逆运算,即矩阵的开方运算。
This paper studies the key techniques involved in the construction of the deep water foundations, long-span prestressed concrete continuous rigid-framed girders and long-span concrete-filled steel tube arches of Yichang Changjiang River Bridge on the newl 摘要对新建铁路宜昌至万州线宜昌长江大桥深水基础、大跨度混凝土连续刚构梁、大跨度钢管混凝土拱等施工过程中遇到的关键技术问题进行了研究,并对各个问题提出了解决方案,对实施性施工有一定的指导意义。
This paper studies the local feature of Handan traditional residence and eligible building technology in geography, climate, natural and historical condition. 摘要从邯郸的地理位置、气候特征、邯郸民居形成的自然和历史条件入手,对邯郸传统民居地方特色和适宜建造技术进行了研究。
This paper studies the lower part of Putaohua reservoir of the high seismic block in western Talaha in northern Songliao Basin and sumurizes a set of lithologic trap identification technique for high resolution seismic.Application in production obtains a 通过对松辽盆地北部他拉哈西高分辨率地震区块葡萄花油层下部的研究,总结出一套高分辨率地震岩性圈闭识别技术,在生产中应用,取得了较好效果,该项技术将大幅度地提高岩性油气藏勘探的钻井成功率,具有较好应用前景。
This paper studies the modeling, model testing and simulation of the parachute system, analyzes the dataflow of the parachute simulation system and key issues of the parachute lifesaving system, and develops software for the parachute modeling, model test 摘要该文研究了降落伞系统的建模、验模与仿真技术,分析了降落伞仿真系统的数据流和降落伞救生系统的关键问题,设计并初步实现了降落伞建模、验模与仿真系统框架软件。
This paper studies the nonparametric estimates of general weight function of the nonparametric regression function with fixed design points, when the model error is martingale sequence, and we give the optimal convergence rate under some conditions. 摘要当误差为鞅差序列时,研究固定设计点列情形下非参数回归函数一般权函数的非参数估计,并在一些基本条件下给出了估计的一致最优强收敛速度。
This paper studies the out-ward-bound by small-scaled sampling questionnaire researches, and analyzes the college students' responses when they have participated the out-ward-bound in a fixed group, then illustrates that outward-bound plays a positive rol 摘要通过对素质拓展训练的相关研究,采用小样本量的问卷调查,追踪分析了单纯固定学生群体参加素质拓展训练的情况,并以此为案例说明了素质拓展训练在高校培养学生中所起到的积极作用。
This paper studies the perturbation action of celestial bodies movement on the Earth from the view of cosmology,and furtherly analyizes the effect of celestial bodies movement on the slope stability on Earth surface. 从宇宙观角度探讨天体运动对地球的摄动作用,并进而分析天体运动对地球表面边坡稳定的影响。

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