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is directed at the ever-increasing rate of unemployment.
都是针对越来越高的失业 率.

is actually comprised of England,Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. 由英格兰、威尔士、 苏格兰和北爱尔兰构成.
is adaptable to ... 可适用于...
is an English audio- visual teaching material that consists of 26 episodes. 是一套26集的英语视 听教材.
is an organ of the Justice Department. 是司法部的一个机关.
is articulate about the trend of the so-called New Economy. 对于”新经济“的走向 讲得头头是道.
is directed at the ever-increasing rate of unemployment. 都是针对越来越高的失业 率.
is effectively banned in the cities. 真正有效地禁放.
is essential in proof of his innocence. 对证明他的清白非常 必要.
is expected to announce fax cuts in this year's budget. 香港人期望他在本年度预 算中宣布削减税收.
is granted by the U.S. Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. 是由美国电影艺术科学 院颁发的.
is hardly enough to pay for one cockroach. 连养活一只蟑螂都不够.

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