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The fact that the Westerners came with greater firepower, and therefore were able to impose their will on China, hardly lessened the Chinese tendency to view them as barbarians and devils.

The fact that the Alonso didn't manage to take the lead was down, in roughly equal measure, to the notorious difficultly of passing at the Imola circuit, and also to Michael Schumacher's dogged defence of his position - bringing his vast experience to bea 阿隆索之所以没能取得领先的位置是因为伊莫拉赛道是非常难以进行超车的,而且迈克尔-舒马赫的防守非常顽强,凭借自己丰富的经验他经受住了挑战,将阿隆索挡在了身后。
The fact that the England head coach feels strongly enough to go public with his thoughts has added to the controversy. 事实是这位英格兰想将他的想法公诸于世,这令事件更富争议性。
The fact that the Qing government exercised a monopoly over producing copper-bronze coinage, and so influenced the cost of producing the specie, meant that copper-bronze could not realise its actual value. 基于清政府对鼓铸用铜垄断价格而形成的铸钱成本,并不能真正体现钱文的价值含量。
The fact that the Rockets opened the series with a 98-86 win in Dallas wasn't an amazing surprise. The shocker was the ease with which they dispatched the Mavericks. 火箭在达拉斯以98:86取胜并获得季后赛的第一场胜利,这本身并不值得大惊小怪,真正令人吃惊的是,他们竟然如此轻松便结果了小牛。
The fact that the US stock market has been becalmed this year while investors have poured $80bn into private equity indicates that something is awry. 事实上,虽然投资者向私人股本投资公司注入800亿美元的资金,但今年美国股市却相当平静,这说明有地方不对劲。
The fact that the Westerners came with greater firepower, and therefore were able to impose their will on China, hardly lessened the Chinese tendency to view them as barbarians and devils. 西方人带着强大的武力而来,并以此把他们的意愿强加于中国,即使如此,也未能使中国人减弱其把西方人看作野蛮人和洋鬼子的倾向。
The fact that the average Englishman's home has become his workshop is partly because he is keen on working with his hands and partly because he feels, for one reason or another that he must do for himself many household jobs for which, some years ago, he 普通英国人的家已经成了自家的工场,一方面是因为他热衷于自己动手干,另一方面是因为出于某种原因,他觉得许多家务活必须自己干,而这些活在几年前他会雇专人来干的。
The fact that the bee fossil also has some wasp traits suggests an evolutionary link between wasps and bees. 事实上这个蜜蜂化石有一些黄蜂的特征,提示黄蜂和蜜蜂在进化上的联系。
The fact that the brain is no longer expanding, after a million years of explosive growth, suggests that the story of human evolution may be over. 经过上百万年的巨大发展后,人脑体积不再增大,这一事实意味着人类进化的历史到此为止。
The fact that the dangers of carbon dioxide emissions are now recognised is not the end of the problem, though. 然而,认识到二氧化碳排放的危险,并不是问题的结束。
The fact that the diamonds seem to span such a large age range is an enigma, the authors say. 作者说,这些钻石看起来年代跨度如此大,简直是一个谜。

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