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The pepper in the food caused me to/made me sneeze.

The peoples will be burned as if to lime; like cut thornbushes they will be set ablaze. 12列邦必像已烧的石灰,像已割的荆棘,在火中焚烧。
The peoples will take them along and bring them to their place, and the house of Israel will possess them as an inheritance in the land of the Lord as male servants and female servants; and they will take their captors captive and will rule over their opp 赛14:2外邦人必将他们带回本土.以色列家必在耶和华的地上得外邦人为仆婢.也要掳掠先前掳掠他们的、辖制先前欺压他们的。
The peoples' court shall rule to cancel the award if the existence of one of the circumstances prescribed in the preceding clause is confirmed by its collegiate bench. 人民法院经组成合议庭审查核实裁决有前款规定情形之一的,应当裁定撤销。
The peot does not live for self-interest, nor does he spend his time on trifles; he lives the lives of mankind. 诗人的人生,不是自我的利害,个别的琐事,而是人类全体的生命。
The pep band tried to spark the home team with a pop tune. 那个劲头十足的乐队试图用流行歌曲来激励主队(士气)。
The pepper in the food caused me to/made me sneeze. 这食物中的胡椒味儿呛得我直打喷嚏.
The per capita GDP in Shanghai is expected to reach US$ 7500 by 2007. 到2007年,上海市人均国内生产总值预计将达到7500美元。
The per capita monthly income for half of the migrant laborers is less than 800 yuan, with 19.67 percent below 500 yuan, according to a latest survey conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). 据国家统计局的一项最新调查显示,我国一半民工的人均月收入低于800元,19.67%的民工月收入低于500元。
The percentage increase in resistance, called the magnetoresistance (MR), was so big and so unusual that my team immediately redirected its efforts to explain the fundamental physics of this new effect. 磁阻(电阻增加的百分比)的值相当大而且不寻常,使我的小组立刻改变研究方向,转而想要解释这个新效应的基础物理。
The percentage of Chinese kimchi was particularly high in Seoul's Seocho, Mapo, Geumcheon and Yongsan districts. 在汉城的瑞草区、麻浦区、衿川区和龙山区,供应中国泡菜的餐馆所占的比例特别高。
The percentage of U.S. mothers who breast-feed their babies has reached the highest level on record amid mounting evidence that it provides many health benefits to the child, U.S. officials said on Thursday. 据美国官员上周四介绍,美国妈妈母乳喂养的比例创空前纪录,目前已有大量证据表明母乳喂养对孩子的健康有很多好处。

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