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After stroke, medical member and family will deep concerned with patient's prognosis.

After strenuous rehabilitation, he was able to ambulate without any assisting device and could perform daily activities independently. 经过复健治疗,病人可以行走,步态接近正常,日常生活活动亦可独立完成。
After strict and scientific training, the service of overseas crew manning of DMC, has been spread all over East Asia, Southeast Asia and European markets, such as Norway and Greece, which have a long operational history of bulk liquid carriers, and the s 经过严格、科学的培养,大连远洋船员管理公司劳务外派业务已遍及东亚、东南亚及有着液货船舶经营悠久历史的挪威、希腊等欧洲市场,并不断扩展。
After strict evaluation by expert panel, 2 doctoral dissertations and 10 Master theses have been selected as the excellent theses. See the list of winners in the attachment. 经过专家匿名评审和研究会执委会的综合考察,有2篇博士论文和10篇硕士论文被评为首届加拿大研究优秀研究生毕业论文,具体见附件。
After string theory made its comeback as a theory of gravity in the 1980s, Veneziano became one of the first physicists to apply it to black holes and cosmology. 在1980年代,弦论以重力理论之姿重新出发之后,维纳齐亚诺便成了首度将它应用在黑洞和宇宙学的物理学家之一。
After stripping down the toy, the boy didn't know how to reset it. 这个小孩把玩具拆开了,却不知道如何再组装起来。
After stroke, medical member and family will deep concerned with patient's prognosis. 摘要病人中风后的预后如何,是病人、家属及医疗人员所最关心的。
After struggling in 2001/02, Scholesy proved what Fergie had known all along - that he can play as a support striker - by knocking in a career-best twenty goals. 在艰苦的2001-2002赛季之后,斯科尔斯证明了弗格森爵士一直说的——他可以当个第二前锋,那个赛季他打进了职业生涯最高的20个进球。
After struggling in the sea for several hours, the man was able to reach the bank. 在海里挣扎了几小时后,那人终于到达了岸边。
After struggling with the zipper for several minutes, the boy sighed and said,“Why does it have to be a secret? 那小家伙跟拉链搏斗了几分钟后,叹了口气说,“为什么它非得是个秘密呢?”
After studies on the acoustical parameters in such halls, several problems concerning on acoustical environment are listed. 根据评弹演奏的特点,针对评弹书场中的主要声学参量进行了研究,提出了其中存在的问题。
After studing the development state of architectural engineering supervisor,it presents several problems to be pay attention to,and puts forward that supervising work must be doing well to provide good suggestion for engineering quality. 通过对我国建筑工程监理概况论述,指出要从根本上解决建筑物质量问题,监理工作必须对工程项目投资、进度和质量三大目标实行有效控制,在项目准备阶段,就开始进行监理,实现监理制度化、产业化、国际化。

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