China is North Korea′s biggest patron, and has served as the host for the multilateral disarmament talks.
中国是朝鲜最大的资助国,并且主持多边裁军会谈。 |
China is a big country with most cartoons audience in the world.
中国是个有世界最多动画观众的大国。 |
China is a country rich in crude oil.
中国是一个原油丰富的国家。 |
China is a country with a very large petty-bourgeoisie and our Party is surrounded by this enormous class;a great number of our Party members come from this class,andwhen they join the Party they inevitably drug in with them a petty-bourgeois tail,be it l
中国是一个小资产阶级成分极其广大的国家,我们党是处在这个广大阶级的包围中,我们又有很大数量的赏是出身于这个阶级的,他们都不免或长或短地拖着一条小资产阶级的尾巴进党来。 |
China is a country with a very long history.
中国是一个有悠久历史的国家。 |
China is a developing country in Asia.
中国是亚洲的发展中国家。 |
China is a developing country while the US is a developed country.
中国是一个发展中国家,而美国是一个发达国家。 |
China is a developing country with a large population, a meager heritage and an underdeveloped economy, especially in the rural areas.
中国是一个发展中国家,人口多,底子薄,经济不发达,农村尤其不发达。 |
China is a developing country.
中国是一个发展中国家。 |
China is a emblematical farming society, farmer all the year round of till, country drama's stage it's as much as videos and Internet in actually, it's the oldest of Chinese farming society, also the most prevalent mode of amusement, so that the drama was
中国是一个典型的农业社会,农民一年四季耕种,乡村的戏台就像今天的电视和互联网,它是中国农业社会最古老的,也是最普遍的娱乐方式,所以戏剧在中国市民社会里尤显重要,因为对于大部分不识字的中国老百姓来说,戏台上所表演的戏剧里反映的真善美能起到潜移默化的教育作用。 |
China is a fast-growing economy with GDP per capita above 7% annually.
中国的经济快速增长,人均GDP每年超过7%。 |