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A test stand for biomechanics of man-machine interface in automobile driving composed of the simulated driving environments and biomechanics measuring system, enables to simulate different automobile driving environments and man-machine matching and analy

A terse, witty, instructive saying; a maxim. 格言,箴言,警句简洁、机智、有教导性的话;警句
A test case is specified by a combination of the values of the many parameters. 我们用很多参数值的一种组合来确定一个测试用例。
A test of the mineral quality or content of an ore by milling. 矿石碾磨实验通过碾磨来鉴定矿石的矿砂品质或含量的测试
A test on your level of English. 大牛:考考你的英语水平怎么样。
A test pilot has an audience of thirty people on the ground monitoring his every move in the air. 作为一名试飞员地面上有30个观众在监视着他在天上的一举一动。
A test stand for biomechanics of man-machine interface in automobile driving composed of the simulated driving environments and biomechanics measuring system, enables to simulate different automobile driving environments and man-machine matching and analy 研制的汽车乘驾体位生物力学特性实验台主要由可调模拟乘驾环境和生物力学测试系统组成,能够模拟各种人-车乘驾环境和进行人机界面匹配试验,可以测试和分析不同乘驾环境下驾驶员的各项体压分布指标和驾驶员腰部肌肉疲劳过程中的表面肌电信号,评价人机界面匹配优度,进而为汽车的人机界面优化设计和提高汽车人机界面的舒适性、方便性、安全性及人机工效学研究提供了实验基础。
A test suite may contain redundant test cases. 一个测试用例集可能含有冗余的测试用例。
A test system was developed and an L9(3^4) orthogonal experiment design was used to test the pump efficiency under different flow rates, lifts, electric voltages and currents. 并设计了试验系统,采用L9(3^4)正交试验,以离心式水泵效率为试验指标,进行了离心式水泵的流量、扬程、电压和电流的测量。
A testator-written will is one made in the testator's own handwriting and signed by him, specifying the date of its making. 自书遗嘱由遗嘱人亲笔书写,签名,注明年、月、日。
A testifying check of the program and analyses of each parameter's influence further enhances the reliability of inversion results. 对算法和程序的有效性检验以及对各影响参数的分析,可以进一步保证反演结果的可靠性。
A testimonial.... 一份证词……

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