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The visa holder engages within or outside the ROC in fraud, drug trafficking, subversion, violence or other activities endangering the ROC national interest, law enforcement, good customs or social stability.

The virus message follows one circulating last month that tricked recipients into believing they would get a free top-of-the-range Ericsson mobile phone if they forwarded a message to 20 friends. 除了今次的病毒警告电邮外,在上个月也有类似的恶作剧电邮流传。上个月的电邮欺骗收件者,对他们说只要把一个电邮寄给二十个朋友,就可以得到一部免费的顶级爱立信手提电话。
The virus recently has been confirmed in birds in Russia, Romania and Turkey. 最近证实在俄罗斯、罗马尼亚和土耳其的禽鸟中发现了禽流感病毒。
The virus-like infection tries to implant hacker software onto the computers of all Web site visitors. 这种类似病毒的感染方式试图将黑客软件值入所有网站访客的电脑当中。
The viruses that cause these diseases belong to the Picornaviridae family.1,2 Both diseases produce painful blisters in the mouth and on the feet, but in other respects they are not related and should not be confused with one another. 引起此病的病毒属小核糖核酸病毒属,两种病都是在口腔内和脚上产生疼痛性水疱,但另一方面它们并不相关,不要相互混淆。
The visa expires next month. 签证下月到期。
The visa holder engages within or outside the ROC in fraud, drug trafficking, subversion, violence or other activities endangering the ROC national interest, law enforcement, good customs or social stability. 三在我国境内或境外从事诈欺、贩毒、颠覆、暴力或其他危害我国利益、公务执行、善良风俗或社会安宁等活动者。
The visa process for Chinese loved ones is agonizingly slow. 申请中国公民身份的配偶、未婚夫/妻和子女赴美的签证程序痛苦而漫长。
The visa processing fee is RMB 800 per applicant. 签证费为每人人民币800元.
The visa was issued by the Chinese Embassy. 这份签证是由中国大使馆签发的。
The visa will be affixed to your passport. Please check the name, passport number and the visa expiry date in the day/month/year format. 签证将会贴于你的护照上。请核对清楚姓名、护照号码及签证有效日期(日/月/年)。
The visco-elasticity of material in the bottom of rock body led to decrease of stress with time in the bottom part and to increase of stress at some places of elastic layers. 引入材料的黏弹性,导致了其中应力随时间迅速减小和弹性层某些部位应力随时间的增加。

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