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Results:The contents of lead in radix salviae miltiorrhizae was 8.7 μg/g, and that in hemlock parsley was 7.7 μg/g.
果 :丹参中铅含量为 8.7 μg/g ,川芎中铅含量为 7.7 μg/g。

Results:The patients who took minstra for a long time with large dosage and with relevant dangerous(such as kidney disease history,diabetes,high blood pressure and so on)easier to get ARF. 果: 例长时间、大剂量及相关高危患者(如有肾脏病史、糖尿病、高血压等)应用甘露醇易导致ARF。
Results:The activity of serum CK in placenta increta( .± 0. IU/L) was higher than that in placenta accreta(77.±7.8 IU/ L) and normal group(8.9±. IU/L)(P<0.0). 果:胎盘植入产妇血清CK水平为 .± 0. U/L,胎盘粘连产妇血清CK水平为77.±7.8 U/L,正常产妇为8.9±. U/L,胎盘植入产妇血清CK水平明显高于胎盘粘连和正常产妇,差异有显著性(P<0.0)。
Results:The amylase concentrations (determined by Winslow method) of the experimental group and control group are ( 8±98.)u/L and (±8.)u/L respectively. 果 :经Winslow氏法测定动物血清淀粉酶为 ( 8± 98. )u/L(实验组 ) ,而对照组为 ( ± 8.)u/L。
Results:The avascular necrosis of the femoral head was related with the following effects:case history including fracture of the lower limb,coxitis,rheumatoid arthritis,hyperlipidemia and diabetes; 果危险度分析表明,可能与股骨头坏死危险性有关的因素(OR及9%CI)病史有下肢骨折、髋关节炎和类风湿关节炎、高脂血症、糖尿病史;
Results:The average recovery was respectively 98.% and 97. % (n= ),RSD .78% and .9 % (n= ) for ursolic acid and oleanolic acid. 果 :熊果酸和齐墩果酸的平均回收率分别为 98.% ,97. % (n = ) ,RSD分别为 .78% ,.9 % (n = )。
Results:The contents of lead in radix salviae miltiorrhizae was 8.7 μg/g, and that in hemlock parsley was 7.7 μg/g. 果 :丹参中铅含量为 8.7 μg/g ,川芎中铅含量为 7.7 μg/g。
Results:The data of 0 healthy cases:right side angulus acetabulum of male was .88± .7 degrees,female .08± .9 degrees; 果 : 0例健康婴儿右侧髋臼角 :男 .88°± .7°、女 .0 8°± .9° ;
Results:The diameter of the incisal nerve in mandible with complete dentition was 7±0 ,and 0±0 mm in edentulous mandible. 果 :下牙槽神经前端分为切牙神经和颏神经 ,有牙颌切牙神经直径为 7± 0 mm ,无牙颌切牙神经直径为 0± 0 mm ;
Results:The distance between buccal border of buccal grooves of mandibular the first molar and the posterior border of lingula of the opposite mandible was 8.9±0. cm . 果:由下颌第一磨牙颊沟的颊缘水平伸至对侧下颌小舌后缘间距离为8.9±0.cm;
Results:The distance between canalis infraobitalis and saggtal axis through angulus oculi medialis was(.8±0.8)mm; 果 :眶下管距过内眦矢状轴的水平距离平均值为 ( 8± 0 8)mm ;
Results:The expression of SOCS,SOCS,SOCS were found in mater-fetal interface,while positive expression of SOCS in villi/decidua was 7 .7%/7.%,and that of SOCS was 0.0%/ 9.%,then SOCS expression was .%/ .%. 果:正常母胎界面见SOCS、SOCS、SOCS 基因表达,其中SOCS 绒毛/蜕膜阳性率7 .7%/7.%; SOCS绒毛/蜕膜阳性率0.0%/ 9.%,SOCS最少,绒毛/蜕膜阳性率 .%/ .%;

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