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Who today do I want to hug?

Who the Democrats choose as their standard-bearer for 2004 is critical. 谁将成为民主党2004年大选的领袖是至关重要的。
Who the devil is she? 她算哪门子的人啊?
Who the hell carelessly told me to start here, and left me in this maze? 是谁不负责任地告诉我从这儿开始,然后留我在指示不清的迷魂阵里?
Who then is the faithful and prudent slave, whom the master has set over his household to give them food at the proper time? 45这样,谁是那忠信又精明的奴仆,为主人所派,管理他的家人,按时分粮给他们?
Who thinks getting an orphan is a good idea? 谁认为扶养一个孤儿是个好主意呢?
Who today do I want to hug? 今天我要拥抱谁?
Who told him to turn around? 谁叫他要转过身来!」
Who told you a calf to be? 谁叫你是一头小牛呢?
Who told you that? 谁告诉您的?
Who took the missing page of the Shepherd's Journal?And why? 谁把牧羊人日志失落的那一页拿走了?为什么?
Who tore the last page out of the mystery book which I was reading?! (谁把我正在读的推理小说最后一页撕掉了?!)

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