Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin Wednesday declared a state of emergency that covers most of France's major cities and towns.
总理多米尼克.德维尔潘星期三宣布法国多数主要城镇都进入紧急状态。 |
Prime Minister Gordon Brown will tighten immigration rules, requiring that all skilled workers from outside the European Union be able to demonstrate that they can speak English.
戈登布朗总理将勒紧移民规则,需要,欧盟外面的所有的熟练工人能够示範,他们能说英语。 |
Prime Minister Gordon Brown, his wife Sarah and their two sons live in the bigger flat at Number 11 Downing Street, traditionally the home of the Chancellor.
戈登?布朗首相与夫人莎拉及他们的两个儿子住在唐宁街11号的一套更大的公寓里。按照惯例这里是财政大臣的官邸。 |
Prime Minister Hun Sen is traveling to Kampot and has offered a five thousand-dollar reward to anyone who finds the aircraft.
柬埔寨首相云升正在前往贡布省。他提出为找到失事飞机的人提供5千美元的奖金。 |
Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker of Luxembourg, who currently holds the European Union's rotating presidency, insisted the ratification process must proceed in other countries.
欧盟轮执主席,卢森堡首相简-克劳德詹克强调宪法还将继续在其它国家等待审批。 |
Prime Minister John Howard has announced the Federal Government will commit another $6.5 million towards fighting illicit drug use.
霍华德总理日前宣布联邦政府将再投入650万美金,用于反对非法用毒。 |
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's cabinet will send commemorative silver cups congratulating Japanese people who celebrated their 100th birthdays this year.
日本首相小泉纯一郎内阁将为今年过一百岁生日的老人送上纪念银杯,以表庆贺。 |
Prime Minister Khai, who is 72, has nominated his deputy, Nguyen Tan Dung, to succeed him. The 56-year old Dung has held a number of senior government positio .
今年72岁的潘文凯已经提名他的副手,副总理阮晋勇接替他的职位。现年56岁的阮晋勇曾担任过一系列政府高级职务。 |
Prime Minister Khai, who is 72, has nominated his deputy, Nguyen Tan Dung, to succeed him. The 56-year old Dung has held a number of senior government positions.
今年72岁的潘文凯已经提名他的副手,副总理阮晋勇接替他的职位。现年56岁的阮晋勇曾担任过一系列政府高级职务。 |
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh recently compared India's caste system to apartheid in South Africa, calling it not just prejudice but a blot on humanity.
印度总理辛哈最近把印度的种姓制度和南非种族隔离政策相提并论,指它不只是偏见,更是「人性的污点」。 |
Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen is the sexiest man in Finland, French President Jacques Chirac said in off-the-cuff remarks recorded by television crews at a Europe-Asia summit in Helsinki.
在芬兰首都赫尔辛基召开的欧亚峰会期间,法国总统雅克·希拉克在一次闲聊中称赞芬兰总理马蒂·范哈宁是芬兰最性感的男人,这句话被电视台的工作人员录了下来。 |