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Come and talk to her, said Mary, and she clove a way through the crowd, John following in her wake.

College and university education should be free for all students, fully financed by the government. 教育鼓励学生去责问,批评,因此对促进社会的和谐作用甚微。
Colleges should require students to engage in public-service activities in order to assure that each student receives a balanced, well-rounded education. 大学应该要求学生们参加公益活动,这也是为了保证每一个学生都能获得平衡而全面的教育。
Comb China history of art , pass on the older generation artist whether nine square world join in artistic original intention of cause , the pot becomes the artistic association and passes the commercial popularization activity of various kinds of arts, i “梳理中国美术史,传承前辈艺术家”是九方国际投身艺术事业的初衷,鼎成艺术会馆通过各种艺术商业推广活动,国际博览会以及为艺术家与各地美术馆、画廊、企业举办展览等方式,积极将优秀作品及代理画家、会员画家的作品推广给消费者和收藏群体,除了前辈艺术家更有会馆拥有的大批当代艺术家作为会馆的会员画家群体,可以说是集成了以往的艺术网络资源,发掘及推广艺术精品,及规划艺术项目,矢志打造出一个“鼎成”艺术领域的新天地。
Combination ring sensors for corrosion monitoring on mild steel and copper specimens. 译为:组合环式传感器用于软钢和铜式样的腐蚀性监测。
Come and see, Jan. Look! I have done it at last! I have done it at last! 快来看,杰。看呀!我终于成功了!我终于成功了!
Come and talk to her, said Mary, and she clove a way through the crowd, John following in her wake. 来和她谈谈吧,玛丽说着,然后在人群中挤出一条路往前走,约翰紧随其后。
Come and talk to her, said Mary, and she clove a way through the crowd, John following in her wake. 来和她谈谈吧,玛丽说著,然后在人群中挤出一条路往前走,约翰紧随其后。
Come down from your glory And sit on the parched ground, O daughter dwelling in Dibon, For the destroyer of Moab has come up against you, He has ruined your strongholds. 耶48:18住在底本的民哪、〔民原文作女子〕要从你荣耀的位上下来、坐受乾渴.因毁灭摩押的上来攻击你.毁坏了你的保障。
Come forth from her midst, My people, And each of you save yourselves From the fierce anger of the Lord. 耶51:45我的民哪、你们要从其中出去、各人拯救自己、躲避耶和华的烈怒。
Come here,he said, and I'll give your flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field! 44非利士人又对大卫说、来罢、我将你的肉给空中的飞鸟、田野的走兽吃。
Come here,she says to me. “到这边来。”她对我说。

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