The Puritans often echo Augustine's remark that, just as there are shallows in Scripture where a lamb may wade, so there are depths in Scripture where an elephant may swim – depths which the most learned and godly have yet to plumb.
清教徒往往与奥古斯丁异口同声说:《圣经》有浅水地,小羊都可以在那里喝水,但是《圣经》也有深水处,大象可以在那里游泳:这些深处就是有学问的、敬虔的人还需继续探索。 |
The Puritans were intolerant of those who were not members in good standing of their church.
清教徒不能容忍那些本教会里名声不好的教徒。 |
The Pygmy Hippopotamus stands about one metre high and is native to West Africa. Numbers in the wild have fallen to below 2000 since 1993.
只有1米多高的矮脚河马生活在西非,从1993年起这种动物在野外的数量不足2000只。 |
The Pyramid is among the seven wonders of the world.
古埃及大金字塔是世界七大奇观之一。 |
The Pyramid over Egypt links with the Pyramid of Time and Illusion. It is run by I, Thoth or Hermes, the Trickster and Master of the Game.
埃及上方的金字塔与时间和幻象的金字塔相连接,通过我,透特或赫尔墨斯魔术师和游戏大师运转。 |
The Pyramids of Giza are the only remaining wonder of the ancient world.
吉萨金字塔是目前唯一幸存的古代奇迹。 |
The Pyramids of Giza, the oldest and only Ancient Wonder still standing, are testimony to perfection in art and design, never subsequently achieved.
吉萨金字塔是古代七大奇迹中最古老且唯一得以保存的遗迹,它们在艺术和设计上均达到了完美的顶峰,以致没有后人能超越。 |
The Pyramids were among the seven wonders of the world.
古埃及大金字塔是世界七大奇观之一。 |
The Pyrenees separate France and Spain.
比利牛斯将法国和西班牙分开。 |
The Pyrogen test is a method to test the existence of pyrogens by using rabbits.
热源质检测是通过用兔子来检测热源质存在的方法。 |
The QA system is hereafter referred to as GREEN LABEL in China and KITEMARK SCHEMEin the UK.
质量评价系统以下指在中国的绿色标签和在英国的标准协会商标。 |