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Much like the durable power of attorney, the health care proxy involves some important decisions.

Much like number 1, I don't want to embarrass myself. I'm better off moving on. 你的文章有些东西我不太明白,我得先消化一下。跟上一条类似,我不想不懂装懂丢人现眼,所以闪先。
Much like that of authors such as Bateson and Geertz, therefore, this view is one in which mind is understood as extending beyond skin. 所以,这一看法在很大程度上与贝特森和戈尔茨的观点相近,认为心灵是超越肉体的。
Much like the Pudong financial district in Shanghai, Tianjin also has its own showcase neighborhood: the Tianjin Binhai New Area, a 2,270-square-km stretch of land along the coast, complete with a free trade zone, a financial street and the nation's large 与在上海的浦东经济区一样,天津也有自己的经济特区:天津滨海新区,一个2270平方公里的狭长形沿海地区,拥有保税区、金融街和中国最大的自由贸易区。
Much like the auctioneer, His message today is The son, the son, who'll take the son? 和这经纪人非常相似,他今天的福音是:“儿子,儿子,谁承受这个儿子?”
Much like the drug addict, one moves from one objective or possession to another for the next high, but it is never sustained in the falsified form of gratitude that is so prevalent in the human dance upon Earth. 就如同药物上瘾的人从一个目标或占有物品转移到另一个以找到下一个兴奋点,这种在当前地球上人类之舞里如此盛行的、虚假的感恩形式也从来不会持续。
Much like the durable power of attorney, the health care proxy involves some important decisions. 你指定的代理人可以决定医疗设施,治疗方案,以及其他相关问题。
Much like the heart and pelvic region, a multi-petal lotus opens in the crown as 6000 is embodied to 30% in the physical. 就像心脏和盆腔区域,多重花瓣的莲花当6000股蓝图被融入30%时在皇冠打开。
Much like the red ray, one will be unable to embrace forgiveness and unity as an ascending being, as magenta is a lower octave of these tones within the Language of Light. 就像红色光,如果你不能包含入洋红色光,作为一个提升存在,你将不能包含入宽恕和统一,因为洋红是光之语中这些音调的较低音阶。
Much like weather vanes in whirlwinds, some sensors in a vortex receive water flowing one way while those on the other side find it flows in the opposite direction. 就像旋风中的风向标一样,漩涡中一侧的传感器能够感应到同侧的水流,而另一侧的传感器能够感应到对侧的水流。
Much like “Big Brother” contestants, the three groups of six who will be locked into simulation modules in Moscow will be ordered to complete tasks while others observe their behaviour. 与“老大哥”竞赛很相似,三个小组、每组六人的志愿者被关进俄罗斯的模拟舱中,在他人的观察下按要求完成一系列的任务。
Much machinery has been installed. 已经安装了许多新机器。

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