Those in the middle are left unruffled, in the eye of the storm.
就像在风暴中心一样,漩涡中心的传感器纹丝不动。 |
Those in the sleep group without interference were able to recall 12 percent more word pairings from the first list than the wake group without interference.
而那些没有外界干扰的、睡觉的组能够比那些醒着的但没有外界干扰的那些组的成员能够回忆起第一组单词列表中多12%的词。 |
Those industrialists were devoted in the non-governmental charity activities, and promoted itspring up in late Qing Dynasty.
实业家积极投身于大规模的民间赈灾活动,有力的促进了晚清时期“义赈”活动的兴起。 |
Those innovated measure have rescued vallegers fromm poverty.
这些改革措施把村民们从贫困中解救了出来。 |
Those interested in sending messages to subscribers do so through the notifier class methods; those interested in receiving messages implement the subscriber interface and register with the appropriate notifier.
那些需要发送消息给关注者的对象通过事件通知类来实现这项操作,而那些需要接收消息的对象则需要完成接收消息的接口,并向适当的通知类注册。 |
Those interested in the tactical intricacies of a minor war will value this book.
长期以来对贝尔格拉诺将军号的论战可谓“喋喋不休”,其在驶离英海域军事禁区遭鱼雷攻击后沉没。 |
Those interviewed cited a total of 27 work-related symptoms.
这些受访者共列举了27种职业病症状。 |
Those involved had to uncurl the cigarswhose fragility was a conservator\'s nightmare.
棘手的问题就是如何展开这些“雪茄”,手稿的脆弱性对于管理员是恶梦。 |
Those ions eventually recapture an electron and return to normal.
这些离子最终将重新捕获一个电子而回到正常状态。 |
Those is some recollections of happinesses, pleased recollection, sad recollection is also a painful recollection.
那是些幸福的回忆,愉快的回忆,辛酸的回忆,也是痛苦的回忆。 |
Those items will be stored in the storeroom in a separate shelf.
这些物品将在仓库中另架保存。 |