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She did not have false teeth, so they presumably belonged to her husband.

She did not engage in unnecessary talk. 她不会去谈论不必要的东西。
She did not go anywhere yesterday. 她昨天什麽地方也没去。
She did not go to London for nothing. 她无故就不去伦敦了。
She did not go to school today. 她今天没去上学。
She did not have any evidence of hearing impairment. 她没有任何听力损害的证据。
She did not have false teeth, so they presumably belonged to her husband. 她本身没有假牙,所以这副假牙被认为是她丈夫的。
She did not know what to reply. 她不知道该回答什么才好。
She did not know, she answered: she had only lived there a year or two; and they had so many queer goings on, she could not begin to be curious. 我问起原因,她却说不上来,她说:她在那才住了一两年,而他们又有很多异怪的行为,她也就不怎么奇怪了。
She did not move and seemed, inwardly, quiet; an unusually attractive little thing, and as strong as a heifer in appearance. 她纹丝不动,内心似乎很平静。这是一个非常惹人喜爱的小东西,外表长得象小牛一样结实。
She did not much like the latter and, here, I expected the usual ignorant anti-Japan tirade which marks so much of Chinese attitudes to Japan. 她并不喜欢在日本公司的工作,在此,我期待着无知的反日论,这记录着中国人对日本人的态度。
She did not recognize them. 她并不认识他们。

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