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Abstract: Methanesulfonic acid method was used to prepare five acylated chitins.Except heptanoyl chitin, four of them,i.e.acetyl chitin,propionyl chitin,butyryl chitin and hexanoyl chitin,had high degree of substitution(from 1.5 to 2.0)and exhibited lyotr

Abstract: Mathematical models of Stelmor process have been developed to predict the rod co oling behavior of steel wire under the action of water spray and air flow in the cooling system of stelmor machine. 文摘:建立了斯太尔摩控制冷却过程数学模型,目的是研究生产工艺参数对线材冷却过程中温度变化及横断面上温度分布的影响。
Abstract: Measures for waste water management from re co very processing of Zhushanxia uranium deposit of Wengyuan Mine is analyzed in th is paper,which include improving process flow,recycling process water used in ur anium mill as much as possible and c 文摘:翁源铀矿竹山下矿井采冶工程恢复生产过程中,通过改进生产工艺流程、实行工艺水闭路循环及选择合适的废水处理方法等综合措施加强废水管理,减少了废水产生量和排放量,降低了废水处理成本,改善了环境质量。
Abstract: Mechanical seal is the key part of submersible sewage pump, the reliability of it decide the submersible sewage pump life. 文摘:作为潜水污水泵关键部件的机械密封,其可靠性决定潜水污水泵的使用寿命。
Abstract: Melting behavior of silica flux in the converting process of high grade copper matte was investigated. 文摘:研究了高品位铜冰铜转炉吹炼石英熔剂熔化行为。
Abstract: Metallic foam or porous materials were developed at the end of the 80s and applied to industry at the beginning of the 90s.They have excellent physical properties,especially damping characteristis,so they are widely used for vibration insulation 文摘:金属泡沫或金属多孔材料是80年代后期国际上迅速发展起来的一种物理功能与结构一体化的新型工程材料.它所具备的多种优异物理性能特别是阻尼性能已引起广泛关注,并在消声、减震、分离工程、催化载体、屏蔽防护、吸能缓冲等一些高技术领域获得了广泛应用.文章着重介绍了铸造发泡法制造铝泡沫材料的技术难点.对金属泡沫材料的力学性质和阻尼特性进行了详细介绍.为金属泡沫材料开发、应用提供基础知识和信息.
Abstract: Methanesulfonic acid method was used to prepare five acylated chitins.Except heptanoyl chitin, four of them,i.e.acetyl chitin,propionyl chitin,butyryl chitin and hexanoyl chitin,had high degree of substitution(from 1.5 to 2.0)and exhibited lyotr 文摘:四种羧酰化甲壳素即乙酰化、丙酰化、丁酰化和己酰化甲壳素在二氯乙酸溶液中均呈现胆甾型溶致液晶相.临界浓度随侧基长度增加而略有增加,衍生物的临界浓度明显都比原甲壳素高许多,这些规律都可以用链刚性的变化来解释.四种羧酰化甲壳素在剪切时均能形成条带织构,而且能形成条带织构的最低浓度有明显差别,随侧基长度增加而提高,进一步表明侧基较长,液晶性减少.
Abstract: Methods and main equipment of waste heat recovery in sulphur-buring sulphuric acid plants are described. 文摘:系统阐述了硫磺制酸生产过程中的废热回收方法、主要设备和提高热回收率的措施。
Abstract: Micellization of block copolymers in selective solvents was reviewed with 69 references. The structure, kinetics, dynamics and hydronamics behavior of the formation of block copolymer micelles were discussed. 文摘:综述了近20年来在选择性溶剂中嵌段聚合物缔合行为的研究进展,探讨了胶束结构、表征方法及胶束形成的热力学、动力学和流体力学。
Abstract: Microcircuit speciments respectively made of 4 kinds of molded plastic and 2 kinds of coating material for chip have been stored at Xisha Natural Exposure Station for 22 months. 摘要:对4种模塑封装材料、两种芯片涂层材料封装的微电路样品在西沙天然暴露站进行了22个月的贮存试验,并设计制作了一种简便有效的测试系统。
Abstract: Middle Chinese adverb Geng was used in a varity of grammatical meanings: expressing a tone of transition or rhetoric question ; the repeated occurrence of actions; and the reaching of a further degree .The semantic direction of Geng is more comp 文摘:中古汉语副词“更”语法意义比较复杂,既可表示转折或反诘语气,也可表示动作行为、情况反复、轮迭进行或出现,还可表示程度的加深;在语义指向上,副词“更”既可指向主语、谓语,还可以指向多个成分。
Abstract: Migatronic DK come to Suzhou to cooperate with Weida Group and established Suzhou Migatronic.We focus our attention on R&D,the advanced technology of Migatronic and the large distributor's net of Weida Group will provide Suzhou Migatronic with h 文摘:丹麦米加尼克来到苏州与四川威达集团合作成立了苏州米加尼克.我们致力于技术的研发,米加尼克的先进技术与威达的强大营销网络结合为苏州米加尼克提供了强大的竞争力.我们为欧洲市场提供高品质的焊接机器,客户包括知名的马士基集装箱、奥迪、法拉利等.同时我们有很多合作伙伴,他们是来自对焊接技术有巨大需求的造船工业.

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