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Stop fucking around, Bob. I've got work to do.

Stop for a bit and take a rest. 停一会儿,休息一下。
Stop for a while and take a rest. 停一会儿休息休息。
Stop fretting about global warming ,Mother nature is going through menopause,but her hot flashed won't last forever. 不用为全球变暖而感到烦恼,自然的力量将会经历更年期,她的潮热不会永远持续的.
Stop fretting about global warming Mother Nature is going through menopause, but her hot flashes won't last forever. 不要为全球变暖而烦恼了。自然母亲要到更年期了,不过她的热度不会持续很久的。
Stop fucking around and come and give me a hand. 别胡闹了,过来给我帮个忙。
Stop fucking around, Bob. I've got work to do. 别胡闹,饱勃,我有事呢。
Stop fudging around with the vase! 不要乱动花瓶!
Stop fussing and eat your food! 别大惊小怪的,吃你的东西吧!
Stop giggling, children; this is a serious matter. 孩子们, 别傻笑了, 这是严肃的事情.
Stop giving me circular explanations and tell me what really happened. 别拐弯抹角地解释了,告诉我究竟发生了什么。
Stop gloating just because you won the game! 别因为赢了就扬扬得意!

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