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The walls are too dark.

The wallpaper in our bedroom has a pattern of orchids. 我们卧室的壁纸是兰花图案的。
The wallpaper is peeling (off). 壁纸正在剥落.
The walls and pillars shall have white or light-colored surface; the part within one meter above the ground shall bepaved with non-absorptive, impervious and easy-to-clean material with surface which shall be smooth and maintained clean and free of cracks 四墙壁与支柱表面应为白色或浅色,离地面至少一公尺以内之部分应使用非吸收性、不透水、易清洗之材料铺设,其表面应平滑无裂缝并经常保持清洁。
The walls are painted yellow. 墙被漆成了黄色.
The walls are three inches thick. 这个墙是三英寸厚。
The walls are too dark. 墙的颜色太暗了。
The walls have begun to peel . 墙皮已开始剥落了.
The walls have ears! 隔墙有耳!
The walls mark field boundaries and also serve a double purpose as well—farmers needed somewhere to pile the stones they had to remove from their rock-strewn fields in order to farm. 这些墙在标记田地边界的同时,也为农夫们在耕地时挖出的石头提供了一个放置的场所。
The walls of his office at the top of the main building in Dublin's International Financial Services Centre - the city's answer to Canary Wharf - are lined with cherry wood while his shirt sleeves are held together with personalised cuff-links in the shap 他的办公室位于都柏林国际金融服务中心(此地区可与伦敦的新金融区金丝雀码头相提并论)主楼的顶层,墙上铺有樱桃木,他的衬衫袖子也用袖口链扣别在—起,而链扣的形状正是`其名字的首字母双D。
The walls of some algae differ, e.g. the silica boxes enclosing diatoms, and the calcareous layer on the cell walls of calcareous algae. 一些藻类的细胞壁的化学成分有所不同,例如硅藻属的细胞壁含有硅化物,石灰质藻类的细胞壁含有钙。

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