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It is suggested that this distinct condition can be labeled as primary adrenal insufficiency (PAI) developing after TBI.

It is suggested that the pressure should be controlled in a certain limits to avoid unduly fracture to the soil. 为避免过分压裂土层,在压浆过程中应控制灌浆压力。
It is suggested that the relationships are due to psychology and language intrinsic system itself. 这些共性与差异与民族心理及语言符号形式本身均有关系。
It is suggested that the research on learning beliefs can orient and improve the policy of learner-centered classroom in the process of curriculum making and enforce teacher's role as a developer in individual classroom. 研究结果表明,建立在语言学习观念基础上实施的教学方案调整强调了“以学习者为中心”的教学理念,提高了教学效率,发挥了教师作为“课程发展者”的作用。
It is suggested that these anomalies are of radium nature having spot-form and deep-sourced features and are closely associated with Wudaoliang fault. 认为该航放异常系镭异常,具有点源、深源性质,与五道梁断裂密切相关。
It is suggested that these parameters at seedling stage might be used as the indicator to identify the low light tolerance of tomato strains. 株高/茎粗、总干质量和叶干质量、比叶重在不同生育期的变化趋势相似,但不同品系的变化程度不同,因此,可考虑用其作为番茄苗期鉴定耐弱光性强弱的指标。
It is suggested that this distinct condition can be labeled as primary adrenal insufficiency (PAI) developing after TBI. 此特定病况或可称之为「脑外伤并发原发性肾上腺功能不全」。
It is suggested that this fan is of good reservoir quality and oil-bearing property due to the effect of the profile structure and the abnormall high pressure fluid compartment, thus having higher values for petroleum exploration. 由于受到剖面结构和异常高压流体封存箱的影响,扇体的储集物性和含油性均较好,具有较大的勘探价值。
It is suggested that we should take the chance of big drop in itaconic acid price to make research on deep processing of itaconic acid products and stimulate the production of itaconic acid, so that we can develop our itaconic acid industry. 认为我国应抓住衣康酸的价格大幅降低这一有利时机,开展衣康酸深加工产品的研制,刺激衣康酸的生产,使我国的衣康酸产业走上健康的发展道路。
It is suggested that we ( should ) hold a meeting next week. 有人建议我们下周开个会。
It is suggested to introduce the structural vibration measurement on the power house into the relevant field experiment for hydropower station; that is quite significant to the safety monitoring on the structure of the power house concerned. 建议在今后的水电站现场试验中引入对厂房结构的振动测试,这对厂房结构的安全监控意义重大。
It is suggested to use modern advanced analysis and test technologies to study the action and mechanism of corrosion inhibitors on copper surface and enhance the study on combination technologies, medicine addition order, green environmental protection. 认为应利用现代先进的分析测试技术从分子和原子的水平上研究缓蚀剂在铜表面的行为和作用机理,加强现有缓蚀剂品种的复配技术、加药顺序和绿色环保型缓蚀剂研究。

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