Mundungus, or Dungas he's called, smokes a grimy, smelly pipe.
蒙顿格斯,也被叫做“顿格”,抽一个满是污垢的烟斗。 |
Mundus: The gate has been poened. Dante, you're not getting away. This is where you will DIE!!
穆图斯:现在魔界的门扉开启。但丁,你已经无处可逃,你得死在这里! |
Mundus: Trish, Virgil has been defeated. You know what you must do. Now go!
穆图斯:崔西,维吉尔也被打败了。你知道后面该怎么做了吧,现在就去! |
Mundus: Useless scum...Failure is one thing but taking an odd behavior like that...What's the matter? It is time to end your pitiful life now.
穆图斯:无用的杂种……就是因为那种可笑的行为才会导致失败啊……怎样?是该结束你可怜命运的时刻了! |
Mundy ruefully notes that there is minimal screening of egg and sperm recipients, compared with the exhaustive home studies required for adoption proper.
曼迪悲伤地指出,和适当收养所要求的殚精竭虑的家庭调查相比,卵子和精子的接受者几乎没有受到多少审查和筛选。 |
Munger: I'd ratherthrow a viper down my-shirt front than hire a-compensation consultant.
曼格:我宁愿被丢到毒蛇面前也不要看到薪资顾问。 |
Munger:-And many of them think what happened to them was unjust.
曼格:更甚者,这群人认}真相以前,并没有什麽太大作为。 |
Munich hotels were unable to cope with the huge numbers flocking in for the Olympic Games.
慕尼黑的旅馆简直无法容纳因观看奥运会而大量涌入的人群。 |
Munich is not the greatest tragedy in Man U's history.
幕尼黑空难不是曼联历史上最大的悲剧。 |
Munich is possibly Steven Spielberg's most difficult film.
《慕尼黑》对史蒂文?斯皮尔伯格来说可能是最有难度的一部影片了。 |
Munich was the nearest analog to what was happening then.
当时事态用慕尼黑事件来比拟最为贴切。 |