It can be suitable for anti counterfeit and authentication of commercial bills.
可适用于一般地商业票据的防伪。 |
It can be the filtration layer of the dikes,river canal,seacoast,concrete and retaining walls.
可以做堤坝,河渠,海岸,混凝土,挡土墙的过滤层。 |
It can be the isolation layer of roadbed between different materials i.e . rai lway, road and airport ,and isolate the soil from the gravel based on different g ra nule pathway.
可以作为铁路,公路机场等路基中不同材料之间的隔离层,将不同颗粒直径的沙石分隔开。 |
It can be traced as well to Tang, Song, Yuan arid Ming stories in which the little animal may stand for the lion, while the tiger would signify the bigger animalssuch as tiger, leopard, bear and elephant.
唐宋元明人笔下已写到小兽食虎,以假虎烘衬真虎之威,往往以“大兽”(虎豹熊象)为参照,突出小兽(狮子)的某种独特之处。 |
It can be treated with endovascular embolization or surgical ligation if an active bleeder can be identified.
假如可找到快速出血点,它可经由血管内栓塞或外科结绑手术治疗。 |
It can be turned off if you press this button.
2你按下这个按钮就可以关机. |
It can be turned off once you press this button.
你按下这个按钮就可以关机。 |
It can be understudied easily that our society can develop impossibly if we all do not plant the crops.
如果我们都不种庄稼,我们的社会就不可能发展。理解这一点是十分简单的。 |
It can be used as a knife.
它可当刀子使用。 |
It can be used as dispersant in pour-cooling water if iron and steel plants, and also used together with organic phosphonate and zine salts in circulation cooling water with high hardness and high alkality.
用于钢铁厂淋洗的冷却水,防止氧化铁、氧化锌和泥沙沉积,以及用于高碱度循环冷却水中与有机膦酸盐、锌复配的阻垢缓蚀剂。 |
It can be used as its technology simulation.
通过图形显示,可以作为其工艺仿真。 |