Unite with all the forces that can be united and strike blows at the main enemy.
翻译:团结一切可以团结的力量,打击主要敌人。 |
United Auto Workers members at GM go on strike in the US after contract talks fail to reach an agreement.
在合约会谈后的美国的通用汽车公司实行罢工的联合汽车工人成员无法达成一个契约。 |
United Federation of Planets incorporated.
星际联邦组成。 |
United Front positions facing the Taliban 20 miles from the capital were also reinforced yesterday morning by lorries crammed full with mujahideen fighters heading for the front.
距首都20英里的正对塔利班的联合阵线阵地昨天上午也得到增援,满载游击队员的卡车浩浩荡荡开赴前线。 |
United Kingdom agrees handover of Hong Kong.
1984年的今天,英国同意香港的移交。 |
United Natio humanitarian aid official Jan Egeland says the violence in Iraq is going unchecked, claiming about 100 lives per day.
联合国人道救援官员埃格兰说,伊拉克的暴力活动没有得到控制,每天都夺取大约100人的生命。 |
United Nations --- Canda, for the 6th consecutive year, ranks first among places to live, while Norway treats women better than any other country, according to the 1999 UN Human Development Report, released on Monday.
联合国--在周一出台的1999年联合国人类发展报告中,加拿大连续六年高居最适合人类居住的国家榜首;而挪威是世界上对待女性最好的一个国家。 |
United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization advises governments in affected areas that mass culling of birds is failing to halt the disease and that vaccination of targeted poultry flocks is required as well.
联合国食品和农业组织建议受感染区各国政府大规模宰杀家禽部能够中断疾病蔓延,同样需要对家禽的疫苗接种。 |
United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon says the twin threats of global warming and spreading deserts pose what he calls unrivaled challenges to humanity.Mr.
联合国秘书长潘基文说,全球暖化和沙漠扩张两项威胁对人类构成了“无与伦比挑战”。 |
United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan says consensus between the Big Five powers on the future of Iraq is essential and achievable.
联合国秘书长安南称,五个常任理事国外长就伊拉克的未来而进行的会晤“实质上是可以达到的。” |
United Nations health experts say about 50 percent of India's milk supply is sold informally, without any processing or pasteurization.
联合国健康专家称,大约50%的印度牛奶通过非正式渠道供应,没有经过任何处理或巴斯德杀菌法。 |