Replenish Mana - Replenish the mana of a target friendly unit. This is an auto-cast ability.
补充法力-补充一个目标单位的法力.这是个自动施放的技能. |
Replenish the vitamin, choose yake V9!
补充维生素,选择雅客V9! |
Replenish with flour and water weekly.
每星期要取出加水和面粉喂养。 |
Replenishes supply of linen and other Operating equipment.
添加所需的布品及操作设备. |
Replenishing the good bacteria and maintaining good dietary and excretion habits will help discharge accumulated body waste.
很可能是因为肠道不健康、排便不畅顺的后果。 |
Replica In a general sense an exact copy.
复型:从某种意义上说,复型是一种精确的拷贝形式。 |
Replicas are used in electron-microscope work.
这种方法常被用在电子显微镜的工作中。 |
Replicas of five tiny bronze figurines—dancers and musicians escorted by a jester—provide a tantalizing glimpse into Myanmar's (Burma's) history.
五个复制的小铜像——与小丑一起的演奏者和舞蹈者——勾起了我们对于缅甸历史的兴趣。 |
Replicating the finest white Bordeaux wines, the Sauvignon and Semillon are barrel fermented to give an intriguing mix of fresh, vibrant, citrus flavors with rich, creamy, nutty flavors from the oak.
正如上好的白波尔多葡萄酒一样,苏维翁和榭密雍葡萄经过桶内的发酵,都具有了迷人的新鲜柑橘,以及浓郁醇厚的橡木的混合风味。 |
Replication an installed image may cause errors in your statistics, preferences, and more.
如果直接将已安装的程序镜像复制到其他电脑上,会使你的统计成绩产生错误。 |
Replication of such a large amount of useless information each time a cell divides would waste energy.
一个细胞每次分裂这类大量信息的复制就会浪费能量。 |