In the all new Air Crash Investigation Season 4, National Geographic Channel recreates this horrific day.
国家地理频道在全新的《空中浩劫4》中,重现这可怕的一天。 |
In the alternative approach, the fruit is mechanically pulped, washed, and finally dried and liberated from the parchment covering.
另外一种做法是,先用机器为浆果除去果肉,再清洗,最后进行乾燥并将咖啡豆从羊皮纸状外膜中分离出来。 |
In the analysis of instructional behaviors, the researcher applies behavioral theory and instructional principals in analyzing all elements and their relations of instructional behaviors and all the fulfilling units and mutual transformation between them,
教学行为分析就是运用行为理论和教学原理对其构成要素及各个要素之间的关系进行分析,即要素论分析,同时对其实现单位及各个实现单位之间的内部转化关系进行分析,即过程论分析,从而进一步探明教学行为在学生发展中的独特规律。 |
In the analytical process, mentioning the existence of the Government Leading Entrenchment Effectsand the Controlling Shareholder's Agent Entrenchment Effects.
文章在分析过程中,提出“政府主导的壕沟效应”和“控股股东代理人的壕沟效应”的存在。 |
In the ancient past, much knowledge of a spiritual nature was collected by a master and given to his or her disciples.
在古代,有关灵性本质的许多知识都是由一位大师收集并传授给他或她的门徙。 |
In the ancient society, she was destined to be a tragedian.
晴雯一生有关男女情感之出入,唯宝玉而已,洁身自爱,未曾逾越伦常。 |
In the animal husbandry demonstration item construction, I successively managed to be in charge of the item construction of the provincial-level and the national-level three superiorly construction items for raising pigs and cows/bulls.
在畜牧业示范项目建设方面,先后主持实施了省级秸秆养牛示范县项目建设,国家级秸秆养畜示范县项建设,省级生猪三优示范县项目建设。 |
In the annual ring of history, the indomitable vitality of civilization takes a root deeply into people's hearts and makes tall and straight your brilliant thought of active participation in state affairs.
在历史的年轮上,文明的顽强生命力,深深扎根人心,挺拔着你那积极入世的光辉思想。 |
In the annual state of the world speech, Pope Benedict 16th has condemned terrorism as moral perversion, called for peace between Israel and Palestinians, and urged sacrifice to feed the world's hungry.
罗马天主教教皇本笃十六世在发表全球局势年度讲话时谴责恐怖主义为道德上的堕落,呼吁以、巴实现和平,并敦促人们为世界上挨饿的人捐献食物。 |
In the ant city, the queen's job is laying eggs.
在蚂蚁王国,蚁后的工作是产卵。 |
In the applause, Doctor Li began his speech.
在同学们热烈的掌声中,李学庆教授发表演讲。 |