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Duringthe beginning of the title?

During your program assignment, you will immediately be plunged into real, meaningful assignments and you will work side-by-side with experts in the business. 在实习期间,你会体验真正的工作状态,并有机会和该领域的专家一起工作学习。
During your visit, I will put my room at your disposal. 1在你来访期间,我将把我的房间腾出来供你使用.
During “China Foshan (International) Ceramic Fair” held recently, businessmen coming from strong ceramic manufacturing countries including Italy and Spain as well as big ceramic importing countries of United States, Europe and Middle East, discussed with 在近日举行的中国佛山(国际)陶瓷博览会期间,来自意大利、西班牙等陶瓷生产强国以及欧美、中东等陶瓷进口大国的客商和国内陶瓷业内人士进行研讨,为中国陶瓷出口把脉。
During(In) the pact(last) ten year. China has changed a lot. 在过去的十年当中,中国起了很大的变化。
During, or at the end of the arm pull-down of the first stroke after the start and after each turn, a single downward butterfly kick is allowed, but not required, followed by a breaststroke kick. 出发后或每一次转身之后,在第一次大划手之当时或之后,一次向下蝶式踢腿是被允许的(但非必要的),然后拌随一次蛙式踢腿。
Duringthe beginning of the title? 期间开始的名称?
Duringthe third week, the volunteers slept longer and more soundly than inthe previous two weeks. 结果与前一周相比他们睡得不那么沉并且感觉更累。
Durinng the period of democratic revolution ,Mao Ze-dong advocated devoting major efforts to developing private capitalism. 摘要民主革命时期,毛泽东主张大力发展私人资本主义,建国初期国民经济恢复后则力求使其“绝种”。
Durrington Walls was used for feasts and rituals that celebrated life, while Stonehenge was both a memorial and final resting place for the dead, the archaeologist speculates. 杜灵顿墙用于节日和庆祝生命,而巨石阵则是缅怀和容留逝者的场所。
Dursley was the director of a firm called Grunnings, which made drills. 他非常肥壮、结实,几乎肥到没有颈根,但却有一把大胡子。
Dushan Jade bright color and fine texture, good transparency and gloss, hardness, Dushan Jade long enjoyed a good reputation in China's four-yu wereranked second. 独山玉色泽鲜艳,质地细腻,透明度和光泽好,硬度高,独山玉久负盛名,在中国的“四大名玉”中名列第二。

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