We need the services of a doctor.
我们需要医生的诊治。 |
We need the sin trampling, death destroying, hell conquering gospel!
我们需要的,是那个威慑罪恶、震憾死亡、胜过地狱的福音! |
We need the tenacity and perseverance to accumulate benefit through faith steadily and surely with each step we take forward and up.
必须有坚韧的毅力和恒心,一步一步地、一级一级地、踏实地修行以累积公德。 |
We need them to find new ways to conquer disease, to design the machines of industry and the laborsaving gadgets of the home.
我们需要数学来找到攻克疑难病症的新方法以及设计工业机器和节省家庭劳动的小发明的新思路。 |
We need them urgently.
我们急需这些资料。 |
We need therefore, to strike a compromise and give up a little at a time thereby integrating truly spiritual elements slowly, gradually and consistently into our day-to-day lives.
因此我们需要稍稍作出妥协,每次放弃一点世俗需求,慢慢逐渐地、持续地在我们的日常生活中加入精神元素。 |
We need those pumps that are used for water circulation in air coolers. by passing air from wetted straws, this cooler moisturizes the air and cools the room.
我们需要让水在空气冷却器中循环的那种水泵。通过抽湿管使空气流通后,冷却器就可以使空气变湿润,从面降低室温。 |
We need to accelerate the reform of the wholly state-owned commercial banks, focusing on a pilot project to transform the Bank of China and China Construction Bank into stock enterprises.
要加快国有独资商业银行改革,重点做好中国银行和中国建设银行股份制改造试点工作。 |
We need to agree tactics before the game.
比赛之前我们战术要达成一致。 |
We need to avoid the nostalgia factor— a longing for the late, lamented economic boom that clouds out vision and corrodes our judgment.
我们需要避免一种怀旧的因素蒙蔽了我们的视线并影响我们的判断-一种对过去的、依依不舍的经济繁荣的渴望。 |
We need to be able to find creative solutions.
我们需要,并且能够找到解决的方法。 |