The black humor is overwhelming in that novel.
(那部小说有太多荒诞的幽默。) |
The black masses of smoke puffing out of the engine chimneys are polluting our are polluting our air.
从柴油机烟囱里冒出来的黑色烟团正在污染我们的空气。 |
The black metal plate is called a collector.
黑色的金属板叫做“吸热板”。 |
The black powdered carbon holds the suitable share in the market.
黑色碳粉在市场上占有相当的份额。 |
The black rook threatens to drive its white counterpart away from the seventh rank. With the following maneuver White prevents this from happening.
黑车威胁要将白车驱逐出第七横排生命线,但是在白方灵活的招法下,黑方的愿望没有实现。 |
The black sedan suddenly drew out into the traffic.
黑色轿车突然开动,驶进了车流。 |
The black smoke from burning oil trenches around Baghdad, meant to shroud targets, contained many toxic substances that might affect the soil and drinking water.
巴格达周边燃烧的石油战壕所产生的掩护黑烟,其中含有许多可能会影响土壤与饮用水的有毒物质。 |
The black smudges of smoke left by many a forgotten evening lamp stare, like blind eyes, from the wall.
只有残留的灯烟熏的黑迹,像盲人的眼睛,从墙上瞪视着我。 |
The black vote is vital in the Democratic primaries—blacks make up more than half the electorate in the key early primary state of South Carolina, and dominate among party workers there.
黑人选票在民主党初选中至关重要,因为在较早举行初选的南卡罗来纳州中,他们手中握有一半以上的选票,在党员中也处于主导地位。 |
The black wimple enhanced the whiteness of her skin.
黑色的包头巾使她的皮肤显得更加白皙。 |
The black, negative green and white do not fit in the normalelectromagnetic spectrum.
黑色,负绿以及白色不是“正常的”电磁波谱。 |