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The game is to get the farm subsidies out of the way quickly enough so that the farmers in Europe and North America and Argentina can help to supply some of the food demands emerging in Asia before Asia clears out all of the tropical forests and destroys

The four years ahead will be wonderful,said Yeh Ting-jin, 17, a high school student, attending the party's rally with three classmates. 一位17岁的高中学生说接下来的四年会很美好.他是跟其他三位同学来到总部活动的.
The free world and those who love freedom and peace must deal harshly with Hamas and the killers,Bush told reporters when asked whether Israel was justified in recent attacks against the group. 在被问及以色列最近袭击哈马斯是否是正当行为时,布什告诉记者:“自由的世界以及那些爱好自由和和平的人必须严厉对付哈马斯和杀人凶手。
The freethinking of one age is the common sense of the next. 费译:一个时代的自由思想在下一个时代只是常识而已。
The function of legitimation is to make objectively available and subjectively plausible the 'first-order' objectivation that have been institutionalized. 正当化的功能是为了使已经制度化的「第一顺位的」客体化在客观上有效,并在主观上可信。
The function of science is to reassure; the purpose of art is to upset. Therein lies the value of each. 科学的作用是解惑;艺术的目的是创新。只有这样他们才各得其所。
The game is to get the farm subsidies out of the way quickly enough so that the farmers in Europe and North America and Argentina can help to supply some of the food demands emerging in Asia before Asia clears out all of the tropical forests and destroys “目前的方针就是尽快排除农业补贴这个障碍,从而让欧洲、北美及阿根廷的农场主们能够满足亚洲的粮食需求,在亚洲破坏热带雨林和杀戮野生动物之前。”
The gardener looked up and saw me and touched his hat. “园丁看到我便扶了扶帽子向我问好。
The gay mayor maybe lay in the hay by the Baby bay,he says in dismay. 他沮丧地说:快活的市长大概躺在婴儿湾边上的干草中。
The genetic difference between these two viruses is actually quite substantial, so I think it certainly does bode well,he told reporters in a conference call. “这两种病毒的遗传差异是很明确的,我想这是好现象”他在一个电话会议的报告上说。
The girls jump up and down together, cheering when the team has played well. 球队表演出色时,女孩子们一齐跳上跳下为他们加油。
The glory of Lebanon will come to you, The juniper, the box tree and the cypress together, To beautify the place of My sanctuary; And I shall make the place of My feet glorious. 赛60:13利巴嫩的荣耀、就是松树、杉树、黄杨树、都必一同归你、为要修饰我圣所之地.我也要使我脚踏之处得荣耀。

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