Sometimes this occurs within the family.
有时这种情况会发生在你的家庭里。 |
Sometimes time could heal all sorrows,but you have always been my one and only true love.
有时候时间可能会冲洗掉一切,但你永远是我心中的唯一。。。。。。 |
Sometimes touching is a good communication tool.
有时触摸是很好的沟通工具。 |
Sometimes travel can also have trouble,such as you may get wet with the weather changing.
有时旅游也会有烦恼,天气多变,有时侯可能被雨淋湿. |
Sometimes usefull in the lategame when your opponet exaggerated with cannon fodder.
在后期的游戏中可以拿来对抗敌人的炮灰。 |
Sometimes using the rubbing alcohol feels like ice on my skin.
(有时我在皮肤上擦酒精像冰一样的冷。) |
Sometimes waiting even a few more days in the heat cycle can resolve the conflict.
有时,你只要在同一个发情周期内多等两天就能解决这个冲突。 |
Sometimes wants to come very laughably also! Always did not understand oneself needs any! Perhaps the life is such about does not decide!
有时想来也很可笑的!总是不明白自己到底需要些什么!也许人生就是这样的左右不定! |
Sometimes we are too easy to overlook our own faults.
有时我们很容易忽略自己的错误。 |
Sometimes we are working on an earth problem to the exclusion of any influence from the stars or planets at all.
有时我们解决一个地球问题时,完全不依赖任何恒星或行星的影响。 |
Sometimes we bake the night before: huge lopsided layer cakes, odd-sized cookies or sloppy attempts at parfaits.
有时候我们会在前一天晚上烤一些东西:不规则的大蛋糕,古怪的饼干或者搞点小花样在冻糕上。 |